Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

Uhhh… My eyes! Make it stop…

Just main a female Kul Tiran. Problem solved.

The men also have unattainable body standards as well. You just don’t notice it as much because of the ridiculous shoulder pauldrons.

It’s a video game, typically people don’t want reality influencing it as they well you know, want to “role play” in a role playing game.

Kids these days wouldn’t last 5 minutes in the 80s. Half of you can’t even comb your hair without cringing at yourselves.

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I find it sad that stuff like this is only posted on US game forums :smiley: . Can’t ever find non sense like this elsewhere.

Too much woman for you to handle huh? You’ll get there.

If you really want to go down this route, men have more unattainable body standards in this game since in real life, men would have to be on all the steroids to attain those body standards lol.

Literally any Kul Tiran.

Magatha Grimtotem - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (fandom.com)

Therazane - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft (fandom.com)

Lady Ashvane

edit- I didn’t even get into dwarves and pandaren

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Compared to some games WoW is super tame. When you look at WoW, it has become tamer over the last while. The Christmas outfits, and other armor, have been re-designed so they’re less skimpy.

A character in a game has nothing to do with the person behind the keyboard.

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This is why alliance players that play human are freakin’ weird.

Imagine playing a fantasy game with crazy options for playable races and wanting your character to look exactly like yourself…

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IKR, it’s almost like fantasy games/novels/movies/TV shows, etc. didn’t have main protagonist that were humans since the beginning of time. :crazy_face:

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Quiet, weirdo.

Draenei hooves are unattainable in real life!


So you play a different pixel and feel happy that you’re somehow “different” than other humans playing a video game?

The irony of your post.

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Also horns, tails, face tentacles, and skin color.

They make me feel extremely inferior in every way.

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oh no she has BOOBS, a BUTT, AND IS A WOMEN?!?!?!



My original character 17 years ago was a troll shaman. Classic night elf druid choice is for pvp flag running reasons only.

So that gives you brownie points somehow over others who choose humans?

Some sort of consolation prize that you’re superior to them? I still fail to see how you’re any different from the millions of players playing Humans or Orcs.

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i mean what about the males?
literally all of them have six packs and yet you dont complain about them being over sexualized?

Because there is something funny about having the ability to play strange and fantastical races, and then choosing generic human…and even going so far as to complain that it can’t be ugly like OP claims to be by being upset that they are pretty.

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