Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

I don’t know, I’m cute as heck and I think you’re the one acting a bit toxic here.


We ? Do you have a mouse in your pocket ?
Blizzard hasn’t sent me a survey on what I want to see.

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By extending your logic to WoW, no more Blood Elves? Blood elves are creating a toxic, unattainable environment for the less-attractive Horde races.

Unless you’re being sarcastic, of course.

Of course I’m being sarcastic, and my facetiousness illustrates how ridiculous it is to claim that graphics that are more aesthetically pleasing create a toxic environment for females or whomever.


Its a fantasy world. We need a break from all the ugly people. Im actually offended there is no nudity in a “fantasy” world.

Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People (Official Video) - YouTube

Gotcha. Tone in text is definitely hard to read–and I see that line of thinking discussed seriously on other platforms, so I couldn’t tell for sure. I completely agree with you, though.

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I see tauren and I see a nice juicy steak dinner. And as a fire mage I also see it as fast food where I can cook it instantly with a few pyroblasts.

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The real point of this thread, we need more slutmogs for both men and women!


i was told there would be boobas

sex sells , sadly everything in this age is objectified and sexualized , got to twitch bathtub streams , ear licking meta , onlyfans .
I got a friend that teaches high school and he tells me kids nowdays flunk everything because " i dont need this crap, as soon as im 18 il open an onlyfan and wont have to work in my whole life or become a streamer or influencer"
so then again i cant take this outcries for objectification and toxic masculinity seriously because in general pop cultures pushes that very same thing you are complaining about.

You’re contributing to the oversimplification of the male mind, online.

Your sexism towards men by generalizing them and, in fact, assuming their wants and needs, is presumptuous and insulting and frankly…



Not to mention that there is virtually no revealing armor in the game at all.

Meanwhile FFXIV.

googling ffxiv

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There really isn’t. And here’s the thing, if someone wants to put their female avatar in revealing armor, all the power to them. If they want to put all of their female avatars in modest armor, all the power to them. I don’t see it having to be a warring issue like the OP is making it seem.


this is a non issue, op is literally jealous of some pixels on a screen. go outside op, most women don’t look like draenei or blood elves irl lmao. who cares

what type of weed are you smoking

WoW always had an issue with sexual dimorphism being portrayed to the extreme.

It’s not even specific to female characters. Orcs, human males like Varian, etc. all share this problem.

That’s why I was hoping the character customization “revamp” that we got would have addressed this by giving us the ability to select from different body types.

Well that turned out great didn’t it.

heavy kul tirans is a thing though