Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

I am not an incel I enjoy women’s company very much. Listen, just because someone disagrees with you it doesn’t give you the right to insult and demonize them. That is so unoriginal and it’s getting very old to be honest.


Lol. If it’s unattainable why does it exist.


Oh good point. lol.

:rofl: By this post it basically says you think you’re ugly and because of that, “pretty” people are to blame.


That is the problem with a society so spoiled that it turns on itself in self-mutilation. Hard times = strong people. Easy times = weak people.
Nothing in nature is equal Pookie…nothing. And it will never be.


Have you seen how Sylvanis originally looked like? She didn’t look sexualized at all and that was the issue, especially when she was supposed to be someone important in the lore so the sexualized her to get a fan base starting.

Should really pick up some psychology book and realize that people are more drawn to these things for many reasons.



Forward Slash Ten Characters

Sex sells. Those who got it, flaunt it. Those who don’t, try to destroy it.
Jealousy rears it’s ugly head.


You’re right they shouldn’t tell women what to wear.

Labeling, abusive behavior.

Labeling, abusive behavior.

See how it kinda works both ways? So if a woman doesn’t want to put on make up, ties her hair back all the time and wears baggy sweaters. She’s “lazy” or not a “try hard”.

When a woman wants to wear a gown that they feel flatters her. Actually genuinely likes the clothing! Or go get nails and hair done. She must be a ** insert demoralizing term **

Just let women be women. What matters is it is their choice. Not societies. Don’t promote and perpetuate bullying behavior.

You forgot to mention the fashion industry.

" With a global market value of $759.5 billion in 2021, apparel, accessories, and footwear are the number one ecommerce sector in the world. By 2025, it’s projected to grow to +$1.002 trillion"

Let’s not be judgemental or what women wear or what they don’t. What matters is it is their choice. In a game where Blizzard fails to acknowledge this. I don’t see many female characters that appeal to me, or attire. Can it stop being one sided please? OP is wrong and they pander more to censorship, silencing and bullying. (Violent oppressive behavior)

I would like more options.

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They’ve thrown over equal opportunity for equality, the latter being an unrealistic goal in this world.


While I empathize with your feelings on the issue, I’m pretty sure you don’t represent most female players’ thoughts on the matter (me included). Nearly all the women I play with ingame like the fact that their avatars NO NOT look like us. I don’t want to play me in WoW. I love playing strong, fit, deadly characters with body types to match. A ton of men play female toons, too, so don’t assume a toon in a sexy mog is a woman.

This isn’t real life. It’s a game we can lose ourselves in to become heroes, saviors, healers, warriors, crafters. We’re here to have fun. As with any large group, you’re going to get the bad with the good… we never know who’s lurking behind an avatar. But it’s most likely a good person: a teacher, a cop, a soldier, a doctor, a nurse, a counselor, a lawyer, an artist, a line cook, a mechanic, a retiree. We’re all here to play a game, to escape.

If someone gets turned on my Draenei shaman’s body type or mog, that’s on them. It’s human nature. I say we dress as we like and play characters we like. It’s our $15/mo.


That’s the goal of SJW threads. Every time.


Who’s “we”, are you assuming to be the spokes person for the mass of players in WoW?

If its that big of a deal perhaps a different game would be more suited for you?


They hate freedom of expression and freedom of speech if it isn’t echoing their own absurdities. SJW could also stand for Selfish Jerks Whining if we are playing the victim game.
Ironically enough I was disappointed that women’s gear was getting more and more prudish. The early artwork with scantily clad gear was sexy for both males to enjoy and females to love to wear. A woman’s body can be very sexy and highlighting; it is a positive thing. It is time to stand up to the socialists who are trying to destroy America, land that we all love. They would have us stand in line saluting, donning potato sacks for dress.


What you didn’t know is that Similey is Talaban in RL. All women are oversexualized if they are not in a burka and hijab.


What’s important is good Americans stand up to the socialist treason that is rampant in America. God bless the USA.


I think if a woman workouts they will shapen their bodies in a more attractive way. Big breasts is out of their control, but so Is Taurens massive height.

I see your point but entertainment industries have done this forever. Having an attractive person on the screen is more likeable and more enjoyable to look at.

I want thrall to be jacked and Sylvanis to be toned and attractive, makes them look more powerful then jelly rolls.

Do we really though? Don;t speak for me thanks


Similey…I have a world where you can join with realistic bodies. Log out and go outside. BTW nobody out there is going to let you bully them into submission either. Have a nice day.


This is literally proof that the uggos are just completely forgettable that even a white knight doesn’t notice them

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