Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

You are joking. Right? Tell me you’re joking. A woman with some midriff showing and being naturally top heavy is hardly “lady of the evening” shenanigans.


If that’s all that it takes to be a lady of the night, I guess I’m a lady of the night. Cheers! :clinking_glasses:


Me too. And I’m a guy.


That is the stupidest sentence I’ve ever heard. You can’t obtain a nice body ?

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In part I agree with you, but we have a lot of other important characters in the history of World of Warcraft that are not sexualized… just think that in an unreal world, you will have unreal characters.
Mag’har is a very good example of a woman who is not sexualized. Remember that if the person is attracted to unreal characters and strange appearances, the problem is with them, not the game.


Because real women want to be sexy and desired. Else the beauty companies would not be swimming in money, also plastic surgeons would not be millionaires.

The opposite is just a story the woke left tells insecure people to turn them into zombies.

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As a woman, I don’t think we should be:
a) telling women what they can and can’t wear,
b) deciding what constitutes as a “realistic” or “unrealistic” body,
c) assuming that if a woman dresses sexily, then that’s all she is or that she is a hooker.

Female characters should be dressed the way that suits who they are supposed to be, as characters. Characters are symbolic abstractions, and thus we have iconography (visual design) that easily signals who and what the character is and does. Generally speaking in a character’s everyday life, they are dressing how they want to dress.

Objectification–and I agree that the word is overused–only really comes into play when a character exists only to be seen sexually. They don’t have any other character development, agency, voice, etc. That does not apply to WoW women, and never has. You have the Princess Leia bikini issue where she was forced by a villain to wear that dumb bikini with the goal of objectifying her. If the Jailer decides to dress all the main heroines in Maw Bikinis, we have another discussion on our hands.

I really hate the false dichotomy that only “conservatively dressed” woman characters are capable, confident, or exist as real people while any woman character who shows some skin is suddenly “an object.” Straight men will find an attractive woman hot, no matter what she’s wearing–if you think that covering up a pair of boobs keeps the men away, you’re wrong. Besides, we’re all human beings and we are attracted to other human beings. Nothing wrong with that or wanting nice-looking characters.


they want the game to look good…not like something that isnt socially considered ‘‘awesome’’ by the masses. duh

because they had a better diet n work out all the time

have you seen the jacked dudes on steroids in the game… also unattainable… its a fantasy game


No I think she just ran off with the money lol. She left her “allies” penniless.

Who says that it has to be a problem tho?

Tell me youre unattractive without saying youre unattractive.

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Unattainable by whom? I know several women – my oldest daughter being one of them – who have bodies in far better shape than what the artists have created for Sylvanas Windrunner. And, unlike the Banshee Queen, these women are alive. Except for someone with physical or genetic roadblocks, a well-shaped or well-sculpted body is available to anyone that wants to put in the time and energy to achieve it.


My pecs are bigger than Arnie’s in his prime.

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Running all over Azeroth and the Shadowlands while wielding swords, shields, staves and plot armor all contribute to being in good shape!

In all seriousness, though, “unattainable” used by the layperson often just means “hard to get there but not impossible.” I am in shape, and it took hard work, but I don’t look too far off from the WoW Human female model. I guess I don’t exist.

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glances at female dwarves


Maybe the bigger problem is the undersexualization of men? I want a high rez mankini!


I love how alot of woman will say this but this isn’t true at all. If it’s so unattainable then why are there alot of woman that work their backends off to get it? what you mean is your to lazy and want to just say it’s unattainable Bc you don’t want to work on it.


I mean with all the wolf, cow and bear women in game I would argue the game embraces a wide scope of body types. I would argue oversexualization is a world problem not a Wow problem, it doesn’t just extend to women, men are overly sexualized as well but the part that infuriates me that the children have been sexualized. Not OK. Anyway, this game is tame in that department, carry on.