Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

You consider the objectification and oversexualization of women to be a dumb topic? That’s all I need to know about you.

The real crime is the lack of sexualized men in WoW. Why are all the guys covered up in full plate armor, Blizzard? Sure, you’ve made some progress with the Jailor proudly showing off his nipples, but what about all the other male characters? Where are the pec and ab windows in all the armor? We need mankinis!

You keep making dumb, tired old threads. Use your imagination. I challenge you to do that.

I wasn’t attacking you nor insulting you so no need to have your feelings hurt.

I still challenge you to use your imagination to make a thread that is fun, interesting, something most everyone would want to talk about, take part in.

I think you can do it. SJW stuff is limiting and done to death. Find something else.
You can do it.

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Still sad about both of those.

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It’s old bait.

Where’s the new bait? We need new bait.


right here

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Oh that’s bad.

The word “objectify” means to degrade a person to nothing more than an object to be used. When you are referring to women using their bodies to make money for themselves, they are empowering themselves. They are making conscious choices on how they wish to be seen and viewed. It’s consensual. Women do not “objectify” themselves by using those websites. Educate yourself.

Muscles are attainable by men who put in the work, the females that are oversexualized in wow have unattainable bodies.

People who are good-looking in real life are the ones that created this toxic environment in the first place. They should be banned, exiled, or surgically uglified to bring their physical appearance down to an average level obtainable by most everyone.

Oh for the love of…I have been playing since beginning and as a woman have never thought of my Char as a sexual being. Its a drawing. So sick of the I am offended or sjw trying to turn a game into their warped idea of what should or shouldn’t be acceptable. We live with that daily in our real lives. Leave the sjw bs out of the game its fine just the way it is. Play a cow or a dwarf if someone with big boobs or nice butt triggers you.


WoW women don’t even look that good. Maybe Valeera is the last one. They stole Whitemane from us already, stop.

Putting one sexy character pleasing to the eyes is not a crime, and you all should get over it (and is not over sexualization, this term is being overused for everything).

Regardless there are tons of body types on WoW.

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Cata had the best models
wow wow wee waa

nice b8 m8 you did gr8
they realized to la8 what they 8

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Hah, classic troll. I’m just 1 troll thread away from winning GD bingo, need a LFR destroyed the game thread.

you obviously never saw jaina’s pre cataclysm model. she looked a lot like an lady of the evening.

Men think women are sexy, just like women think men are sexy. Vice versa also. That’s how it is and has been since the beginning of time get over it.

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She had some of her stomach showing. I fail to see how that is a woman being overly sexualized. She was just (and still is) beautiful and flattering in my opinion.

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