Hgfsd hdfgfdgs

WoW is pretty mild compared to how other games sexualize characters…
either play the game or don’t stop trying to change every little thing with your sjw mindset. For goodness sake can’t anyone just enjoy a video game now days

And this is exactly the kind of post the OP was hoping for. Troll attempt successful.

Aren’t Kul Tirans and pandaren a thing?

I’d rather have specs be well designed, then Blizz can worry about infinite customization options to appease whatever this complaint is.

Stretch Armstrong has less stretch than this post.

I say they’re undersexualized. Remember the skimpy mogs? Gone! All gone!
Some even changed to be less skimpy.

There was nice skimpy pair of leather pants that covered half the thighs, now covers full legs.


I would go more with Queen Victoria…with that era’s lack of freedoms being the apparent goal.

Ah so you’re a lizzy fan? You filthy swine! :wink:

Also why I don’t contact y’all :wink:… most of humanity would be terrible at a Fae party just Saiyan…

I would also say WoW is tame compared to things like Lineage where its all eye candy.

are u joking?

also true. :thinking:

Well, Taelia is in full armor and is a tough gal. I don’t remember Draka being sexualized at all either. Here are images of them. I’m not sure how these two were sexualized.



As for Jaina and Calia, I don’t really see that either. Jaina’s top had a bit of cleavage. Barely any. Calia is wearing a long dress and pants. I don’t see how they’re being sexualized at all. Unless we’re saying that any clothing a woman wears and just having them exist suddenly means they’re sexualized.


gosh dangit people, attractive women are for both genders not just men!

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There are more than two genders…

They could start with human and Blood Elf males, as neither have remotely realistic bodies.

Let’s talk about the waistline of the male Night Elf.

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200 replies. You people drove this troll bait to over 200 replies. This is why we have trolls people…

Elf ears should be removed since I find the ears themselves attractive.

You really be out here telling others what they have to like and dislike, then you call someone toxic for not giving into your demands…

never enough sexy leg.