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I like my women sexy what wrong with that maybe they know how to diet and exercise

Waiting for 9.1

What have they done to sexualized her besides you imposing your own biases? What acts or behaviors have she presented that would suggest over-sexualization? It’s just your personal biases of wardrobe attire that you feel is sexual in nature. Is Sylvanas attractive and astaetically pleasing? Sure, I think so. But that is far from claiming it is over sexualized with unrealistic body expectations.

Eh, I love big muscle bound guys so why not give the male audience something too

Oh no…

Yup… you went there…

I think I’m one of the few people that didn’t like that series, didn’t care for the Lestat series, and really just don’t care for vampires being emotional crybabies for hundreds of years…

Sexualization of the other gender is a good thing.

Our species depends on it.

I mean… I hate her as a character, but I am female, and I like how Sylvanas looks. She LOOKS like someone that can absolutely destroy you in every way. I have no problem with her design. Just like I have no problem with Anduin being a literal Disney Prince???

idk, if you have a problem with the ladies’ designs, you should also take issue with the extreme muscle bound He-Men also running around the game. There are lots of those as well, that absolutely cater to the male power fantasy. That to me is a bigger problem than Sylvanas’, or any other woman’s design in the game.

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:beers: Cheers :beers:

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So…a fetid pile of rotten flesh and bones then? I’m sure that would appeal to someone


Seems like people have different opinions and it’s not as much as an echo chamber that folks like to assume it is?

Pretty much. People always like to talk like there’s only one true viewpoint. Like how chivalry and feminism can’t exist at the same time.

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fantasy is like this. there was huge back lash over pandas cuz they weren’t thin. kt for the same reason. if people want to be super tiny, that’s okay. want to be super huge and muscly, that is also okay. want to wear skimpy armor? should be okay for both genders. want to be completely covered up? should be okay for both genders.

not everyone who plays is a straight man. and we should stop pretending like we all are. different people have different “power fantasies” and that’s okay. the game should appeal to everyone. and people who sexualize certain characters and project it onto everyone else are trolling- full stop.

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Except muscles are attainable by men who put in the effort, many of the female body types that are sexualized by wow are not attainable by women.

I can’t take you seriously lmao

Maybe you can’t, but other women sure can.

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KT humans are chubby. I’d say most people are doing pretty well at attaining that body standard.

Some of LGBT community want a word with you.

Ah, so you want a bunch of Margaret thatcher or queen Elizabeth lookalikes in game? Maybe a Boris Johnson?

Or maybe troll posts like yours do that?

My two daughters played WoW. One from a very early age the other through her teens. Neither experienced this or felt this way. They also loved void and blood elves. One of them still has a Sylvannas statue beside her bed.

Troll harder.


I replied you earlier and then realized I’m doing too many things at once here to pay attention lol.
Obviously the context isn’t the Bible here but in that context God created man and woman to be man and wife and gave them their sexual urges in the first place. If it wasn’t for the sexual desire men have for women and women have for men the human race would have died out a long time ago LOL

Not wanting women to be attractive to men is basically denying evolution and biology. It’s the same people telling me that they believe in science that are literally denying facts of science such as males being attracted to females and wanting to procreate.

It’s basic biology, basic evolutionary fact that the male and female of the species want to get together to procreate and make healthy babies so that the species survives. It’s not only just a conscious desire but if we really believe that human beings are just another animal on this planet then we have to compare them to every other species on this planet lol. And every species on this planet has a basic subconscious desire biological need to procreate to continue their species. We can see it in pretty much every species on the planet LOL

Then we have people who tell us to believe in science who then also tell us that men shouldn’t be attracted to women in that way lol.
Frankly these are the people that I need to put on ignore more often

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thats one always kind of gets me because I know women that are kind of feminist. And when they can’t get that jar open the first thing they do is hand it to me or another man in the room lol…

Women can believe in rights for women and that women should be treated equally in the workplace and as a human being and still understand the physical and mental differences between male and females of every species not just humans. Anybody that denies these differences that we have is denying science and evolution.


Sorry if I hit a nerve there but I think most want to play an attractive character in game. Reality is overrated.

Have you ever watched WWE? Remember China?

And most men I know could never look like a male blood elf w/o extensive plastic surgery.

People who care about pixels are so dumb. So dumb.


Another banger bait topic from Similey.