Hey, worgens, why would you like have tail?

I am curious, why they want a tail so much ?

i thought it was for that popular character from hellula boss Luna, but seesm like they have been asking for that even before she existed, so, is not a trend for that show

but cant understand why, it would look ridiculous if you ask me

if you want a tail so much the Vulpera are waiting for you :3

and since someone sure gonna ask for High elfs for the Alliance, no, not gonna happen


Cuz they’re furries but they wanna seem like “cool” furries instead of uwu furries


So do Gnomes but people still play them.


Hey now, insults people’s race choice is not cool

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Because we can’t have a cool monster type race and they just want to be big stupid golden retrievers.


Funny enough, uwu furries are the ones with the tails. Actual werewolves or Lycans do not have tails, because they are man wolves. hence the were.




Some do, some don’t, I used to be indifferent.
The faulty arguments and empty fury of opponents thereof has since convinced me otherwise.


Drakthyr have tails. I see no reason why Worgen can’t.


It’d make the model look better imo.

However given that there are no good tail physics in this game and they clip constantly on other races, I am fine not having one.

Also the whole classical werewolves don’t have tails thing.


Because Dracthyr are dragonoids. The worgen are lycans. They are werewolves, aka manwolf. That means a combination of wolf and man, meaning no tail.

You can go here and keep it all in one place.


check that but doesnt answer my question, besides is more like a request than a explanation

It links to the previous thread as well in the OP.
I’m sure you can find some answer to your question in the 16,000+ posts there.


Gnomes aren’t people. They are food.


Thank the titans, someone with sense.

and how about i dont want swim in more than 16000 post and just want hear the direct asnwer from members of the comunity ?

taking that option is that bad for you to demand me to go there ?

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The answer is that WoW players will specifically seek out any trivial thing that is missing from the game and then whine about it. Like not having Vulpera or Gnome Demon Hunters.

Or Worgen tails.

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My god, is that thread still going? I muted it like a decade ago. :rofl:


You’re basically saying you don’t want to hear from the community but would rather hear from the community, but setting that aside for now you have tools.

The search function in the top right of the forum window allows you to basically ctrl-f that specific thread for instances of key words when you select the option “in this topic” directly under the search bar. You can probably get a good number of results just looking up “why do you want” or some permutation thereof, and only God knows how many of those could have answered your question.

Ultimately the only correct answer to your question is that it varies from person to person.
Some want to satisfy some aesthetic desire, some want it because they just want another customization option, some want it because it’s their strange fixation, some want it out of pity, some want it out of spite, and on and on and on the list goes.