And in the end it was really the guy from the shadowlands. LUL
With major retconning yea. It was actually the Burning Legion who began the Scourge.
For you and me yea. But not for these people. They couldnt even handle the easiest stage of the prelaucn event. How are they going to be able to handle wrath? They wont…
And the same exact group of people are going to demand Cata classic comes. Then when the prelaunch event for that happens and Tripping The Rifts begins, they will complain about the event being too tough and it will get shut down early.
Wrath will get nerfed. These people couldn’t even handle the easiest part of an easy prepatch.
a bit dramatic arent we?
Oh. Yea another poster irked me but I think she actually did block me this time. They cut phase one short Phase 2 was supposed to have started already.
It’s because of all of the crybabies who cant handle actually playing the game and not afking in stormwind.
There is something special about fighting with your fellow players to kill any zombie wretch in the capital city. Fighting hard to hold the line and push forward to the town square! Then you get turned yourself and your fellow brothers in arms turn on you so quick and kill you too.
Was a fun distraction for a while. Holy Wrath go brrrrr!
Thank god that garbage is over.
the scourge event should still be ongoing and you can get the tabard at the argent outfitter in Org in front of the bank by the tents.
I didn’t see Blizzard say anything like that at all. There’s a lot more people crying about RDF and login queues and you don’t see Blizzard changing anything. Not sure what makes you think they suddenly care about “crybabies.”
you literally did 3 wild speculations in your original post of “simply asking why”
Stopped reading this babble of false as ssin as u said i never played it. I did. It was just as stupid the first time. Actually it was worse the 1st time. There were no layers. The players had everything shut down. The clowns that tried this time couldnt keep up. Sooo glad it ended early. Still never should have taken place again. Just a little kid grief fest that was dumb.
There vacation time were over so now they’re going back to Northrend.
Because benediction and faerlina were unplayable this weekend due the amount of ghouls that were spawning
Someone suggests starting an event early cool. Another person should be asking the question: Do we then want the event to last the same amount of time or do we want to keep the original end date as opposed to shortening it because it started early?
If this conversation did not happen then it’s poor project management on their part. The realm squish definitely added fire to how players feel about Wrath currently. So they decided to start it early because the realm squishing isn’t being resolved as swiftly as they needed to. Soooo, the event ended pretty abruptly 1) to mark off the to do list that it happened 2) to avoid rewarding players impacted because they couldn’t even log in to the realm to play the game they actually pay for via gametime
It’s disgusting and a lack of communication all around for those making pisspoor decisions.
We were already in Phase 4.
Go read this -
Zombie Plague and Scourge Invasion Events in Wrath of the Lich King Classic Pre-Patch - Guides - Wowhead
Plagues still around the crates are gone roaches can still be found
its ok they can just reserve it
Hey guys if anyone wanted the official answer it looks like it was just a mistake, leftover code from when they shut it down early originally, not them bending to demands.
Thanks for playing!
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