Hey, where is the ticket form blizzard?

The current process for opening a support ticket is very poor and doesn’t match the game’s overall quality. The executives behind this need to rethink their approach as they’re not considering the players’ experience, both in and out of the game.

Too many clicks to open a ticket.

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It’s set up so only tickets a GM can handle are able to be opened. Far better than it used to be.


And what issue are you having? Not everything a GM can help with.


The current process has been in place for a fairly long time now, but it can get a little confusing if you are trying to open a ticket on an issue that we either cannot assist with or do not have a direct support option for.

What issue are you having, Bladebind? Perhaps we can help direct you.


Thank you for reply. My Guild Vault, doesn’t show all money logs, only 11 month ago. Can’t see about players that deposit.

Guild: Cachaçeiros Wipados-Nemesis
GM: Thrain-Tol Barad

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Could be an ui related issue, can try doing an UI reset.


That would be more akin to a bug, Bladebind, which is likely why you are having trouble submitting a ticket. Game Masters aren’t generally able to investigate or otherwise address potential bugs. The system should have directed you to submit a bug report if nothing else. I’m sorry if it did not.

In certain cases we have policies and procedures in place to help address some situations that might be caused by a known issue, but those are rare. We mostly focus on getting the issue resolved, often through a hotfix once a resolution is found and tested.

We have seen some reports of players having trouble with the guild bank, which is currently being investigated, so your issue might be related but it wouldn’t hurt to submit a bug report just to make sure QA is aware of that particular issue.

I would also agree with Zenjy, it might be a good idea to reset your UI and see if the issue persists with the default UI.


Ok, who can help me with this bug ? Reset interface doesn’t work, every officer has the same problem.

No one can help you directly with a bug. The bug, once verified, would need to be fixed. You’d want to submit a bug report so our QA team can look into it.

You can do that by posting in the Bug Report forum, or by submitting a bug report through the in-game interface under the Support option.


The ticket system is designed to triage and help show you what a GM can help with. If your having difficulty, the first thing you want to try is categorizing the categories. There are 4 basic categories and they expand from there. Account, Payment, Technical and In game issues. Finding difficulty in entering a ticket usually means it might not be something a GM can help with, and not an indication of staffing issues.


Its also poor form to hijack a thread to rant.


Not in this forum we don’t :wink:

That said, the ticket system in its current form has been around for many years now. It really isn’t “new” anymore.

Is there a something that we can help you find the right ticket category for?

Tickets are actually being addressed fairly quickly at this point depending on the issue.


Nah, I’ve already reported the bug I’ve encountered and have been waiting multiple days for a solution. So my need is to vent about the system itself. But I have my own thread for that, so thanks.

I’ve seen wait times close to a week, and that was last winter. Wait times after major patches always seem to increase for a while, then back down again.

It’s focused mainly on the 4 issues I have mentioned, things GM staff can help with.

If your having difficulty with the in game menu, try to website.


Bugs are not always something GM staff can work around. You may get referred from time to time to check out things like wowhead to make sure you are tracking a quest correctly, like if one quest if phased by another in the zone.

Or referring to the bug report forum, so development can review a report, find a common issue, and fix it via patch/hot fix. A GM can not always bypass a quest anymore, because this can actually cause issues if done incorrectly.


If your ticket was for a bug, then that is why you’re not finding an easy ticket path. GMs don’t fix tickets. We, as players, report bugs and wait for fixes to happen when the developers fix them.

GMs, for the most part, are not given the ability by the developers to bypass bugs as that tends to create larger issues in the end.


I don’t know about that, when I talked with GMs back in vanilla, they could help me if a quest was bugged and preventing progress. If that’s not true anymore, that’s a shame, but I understand if their fixes caused more issues.

I also get it if the in-game system is a way of filtering out minor issues, but it doesn’t seem to do a good job of directing you to the website to open a ticket if they can’t solve your issues. Or maybe I just missed all that.

It’s not a shame, it’s preventing further issues. Yes, back in vanilla, things were certainly different. The games wasn’t anywhere close to the size and complexity of how it is now.

GMs have never been developers or coders, so expecting them to fix the game or code a change is not realistic.

Maybe I’m reading that wrong, but that’s exactly what it should be doing. It should prevent you from opening a ticket for something that a GM cannot help with like an in-game bug.

It should direct you to the bug report feature either on the forums or in-game through the support option.


Fixed that for ya. :wink:


There’s a lot of things that don’t work like they did “back in vanilla”. GMs used to have to log into the game to do some things. Now their tools don’t require that. You used to have to make tickets for item restoration. Now players can do it themselves on the website. The same with mailing something to the wrong character.

There are a handful of quests that the Devs have approved for GMs to “complete” for players. If you count them on your hands you would likely have fingers left over. They were approved because the Devs determined that manually completing them doesn’t break your character. The only ones I know of for sure are the Horde and Alliance quests to open Twilight Highlands in the retail version of WoW.


have you tried any of the workarounds which have been suggested on wowhead?