Hey sulfuras melee dps

Just giving you a heads up. Might want to watch out when grouping with this hunter.

if item is blue everybody can roll need

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Hunters melee often, I don’t see why they can’t roll on the cruel barb?

Thanks for the heads up on you being a special little snowflake though.


yeah no. a hunter shouldn’t be meleeing that often. sorry not sorry.

Did you read what you just wrote?

So melee can take hunter weapons as stat sticks, but hunters can’t take melee weapons as stat sticks? Gotcha.


They absolutely can. But it should be secondary. As a rogue i always let ranged have ranged first because it was what improved there dps the most.

Lvl 19 guild drama is wild


I know right?

And here I am dropping WF totem for my 3 warrior buddies so I don’t have to waste money on waters.