Hey, men? I know you're scared

And this is why we are thankful due process exists instead of mob rule.


I’m surprised it got to 2000+ posts without a permaban when it’s that obvious


I do treat anyone fairly IRL though

Especially with one woman at my old job that I used to look up to so much, where i thought I trusted her with my thoughts and feelings, with about personal family abusiveness.

I never had an interest in her yet I just needed someone to talk to

Till she started being sexually towards me and I wanted nothing of it, because she was recently married and I do not want any part of cheating/affairs, especially when she had little kids

Even as I kept telling her to stop, she wouldn’t, then blackmail and threats started to happen

To where one day I had HR questioning me about false accusations she put on me, such as me touching her in places, similar to what’s going on with Blizzards lawsuits.

It took me months to try to prove I did nothing to her

Even now this situation is long gone, I still have an extremely hard time being myself because I still get scared of being in that situation again




I also am going to assume that you’ve fallen off your rocker.

I shalt noteth giveth in to thyeth attempts to bait thyme.


Call it what you want but a guilty man walked free.


Clark, I’m very sorry that happened to you, but you need a professional therapist for these issues. Female friends are not free therapy and professionals are held to a standard under HIPAA privacy.

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She literally committed suicide on the retreat. What in the world are you even talking about?


If I’m gay do I fit into the men category ?because I am and I’m offended by how you paint with such a broad brush


I’ll change when women stop using their bodies for money, and stop looking promiscuous in public areas. Either way, this is a double standard for both genders.


Do you harass other men while at work?
Do you look the other way when harassment happens?

Are you part of a larger cultural problem?

I compliment men and woman at work, and I get compliments as well. It is still possible to be a nice and considerate person without harassing people.



These are offenses?

Too sensitive maybe?

Congratulations on your long winded cry baby forum post :slight_smile:


Do we know she’s dead from that, or did she have severe mental health issues and a warped sense of the world that led down that road? It’s pretty rare for someone to be perfectly stable and steady and then kill them selves.

I’ve worked in fitness for 13 years, and had some EXTREMELY inappropriate things said to me by both female clients and colleagues. People do it. I refuse to believe a California based company with the finances of blizzard had HR reports with proof and went “meh, let it go”. Blizzard would not be taking this to court if they didn’t feel they had the necessary requirements to prove themselves to have done what they could within the realm of human nature to control their in-office issues.


No, but I was harassed by a woman once,made me feel very uncomfortable


wtf is wrong with you?


What a crap post. How dare you just assume that me and my fellow man are all just human trash. Shame on you.


Sounds like you are projecting. If you feel guilty about the things you have done, then that’s on you.

Not everyone is like you, and not everyone has committed whatever it is you deem harassment.


I was falsely accused and had a witness that was on the other side of a wall that heard everything the accuser said that they would use against me.
Funny thing is when the accuser reported it. The witness was in the room first and reported to them about me.
They were demoted and fined without me even knowing what happened untill I was brought in.
False reports are still reports.
Sit down and shut up.


They’re not taking it to court, they’re being taken to court.