Hey, is it just DH the problem?

at least it takes skill

dh takes none

rogue brain small just like dh brain dont kid urself buckaroo


You don’t play at skillcap nor does anybody on the forums. The meager CR you rip out of Outlaw right now is just as brainless and stupid as the DH’s you’re railing against. You’re delusional if you think differently.

What, you have to manage stun DR’s and look at your cooldowns to see if it’s okay to press them while the enemy is CC’ed? :scream: So does everybody.

“Ummm ackshually I have to gouge aura mastery and disarm melee goes!” Congratulations you’re about as complex as modern WW. You did it.


rogue mains be like “rogue should b broken because its hard to play” :skull:



Not going to comment on the relative power of outlaw because that’s pretty obvious at this point.

However having played outlaw a bit in PVE, if it’s anything in PVP like it is in PVE, outlaw rotation is actually fairly complex, and if you flub it then you’re actually doing healer level of dps for awhile.

It’s such a weird mix of sub and pirate spjec now and it’s mega reliant on keeping high uptimes on things.

In fact it’s so reliant on CDR and uptime that if you mess it up you’re just an absolute wet paper bag doing less than nothing. Like in keys you’ll see rogues decline a brezz if they die on a trash pack because their buttons are now down and not CDRing and so there’s no point in them being there in the pull. It’s that bad.

That said pirate is obviously overpowered along with Dhs nerf please.


I think the OP has highlighted some of the issues with not only DH as a class, but the player base.

They actually believe that it’s a git good scenario OR are so terrified of actually having the playing field levelled to actually make it so your choices/button pushes will have meaning in a lot of cases.

There’s no doubt that other specs have issues / can be strong just not on the same level.


I don’t think anybody serious thinks it’s “git gud”. DH is an abomination that needs to be destroyed. Its current iteration is too good at too much for too little effort/investment.


You agree cool thought you were some sort of irrational creature oncoming dh and outlaw nerfs

No, gut DH please.

I just hate every yellow class moron who thinks because they sap off blind like it’s 2012 and they’re rekful playing against people without fingers that they think they’re actually good.

Outlaw is stupid and if DH gets knocked off it’ll just be outlaw/x/x instead of DH and/or Outlaw/x/x. They’re the same level of awful for the game.


Delete this thread

Fixed it for you champ.

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Unsubbed for the first time since TBC for this reason. 3 double DH games in 11 matches. Game is incredibly boring facing the same thing over and over.

Meh. I’m a DH main and have been for all of DF but also have an arms war. I haven’t invested nearly the amount of time into Arms but it felt just as easy to get 2k in shuffle with. Also as DH main I have zero issues playing into DH either, I actually enjoy it. Seems very easy to counter… CC on meta… how hard is that? So maybe it is git gud?

I know DH is strong right now but I think a lot of people misread and misinterpret spec metrics. Like the amount of complaints DH as gotten relative to Rdruid is laughable. Rdruid absolutely dominates brackets for healing even more so than DH, depending on which stats you’re looking at. Everyone just hates DH because they think the rotation is super simple. In reality once you’re pushing higher ratings… 2200+… it’s not much different than other melee.

You have no idea what you are saying brother


If it’s about the last poster, it’s a normal DH reaction though at least he was polite.

It’s a passive resistance to being “too strong” and “similar to other melee” while never really actually countering the reality; because it’s not really something they can do. (Or even they could, a lot of them wouldn’t have the capability intellectually.)

Then as shamelessly highlighted by the above poster there’s the git gud projection/fantasy. Even if everyone needs to “git gut” it’s outside of the DH issue currently :slight_smile:

Well yeah, they play extremely similarly. Essence break is warbreaker, throw glaive is thunderclap, blade dance is MS, overpower is chaos strike. Glimpse is spell reflect, blur is parry, fel eruption is stormbolt, chaos nova is shockwave, charge is felblade, leap is fel rush, fear is fear etc.

Ya, most melee play similarly especially in shuffle, but youre also a 2400 player talking about 2200 games, so youve got most of those fundamentals down.

I want you to try playing a moonkin or warlock into DH and tell me how that feels.

Dh is in 66% of games. Resto druid is not. Dh has a pretty obscene spec overrepresentation at all levels of play and countless people are getting first-time all-time high ratings 3-500 points higher than they’ve ever achieved by rolling dh. It’s pretty op. Rdruid is strong, but no healer is just rerolling rdruid and going up 500 cr.


You seem like a pretty smart stats and numbers guy.

Whenever a DPS spec is completely bonkers like DH currently, or former arms warrior, or like unholy dk in s2 BfA, the spec just boosts people up several hundred rating above their average like you mentioned.

But does that ever happen with a healer? Like they’re just so powerful that they can carry games with minimal input (like DH is currently doing)?

I know there’s been broken stuff like that clip of I think Saul’s turbo blowing every cooldown into an Rdruid AFK running into the wall in tigers peak during SL, or cdews shaman sitting in wolf while he got up to get a drink in BfA I think. But even with being that strong I don’t think healers have ever really been so disproportionately OP that they could just win by having a pulse.

Maybe SL S3 would’ve seen 60-70% hpriest rep? Idk.

Just chilling with friends q’ing tonight and we started to notice a pattern…


How would you know though according to your checkpvp you’ve never been past 2k on another class. Your arms war is 1980 in shuffle and then your spriest is 1600. Not that arms has some insane skill check anyway. If you want to say all melee have it the same push a spec like enhance/feral/survival that actually get focused and punished extremely hard for wasting limited mobility/defensives and being out of position. When your sole perspective of the game is coming from DH it’s easy to think you won the race despite being born at the finish line.


I already am. I’m done with this season. Dh has completely ruined it.

Having a blast with helldivers 2.