Hey Ion I know you read the forums but

If you see any popular topic being discussed/common consensus in the forum, would you mind at least acknowledging the issue and COMMUNICATING to us that X topic is known by the development team instead of just completely ignoring it on the forums?

You’d be surprised at how just the acknowledgement alone is capable of keeping players going and how it builds a strong trust by the players in the development team.

Honestly, this forum is pretty much dying considering how little Blizzard has been communicating to us at all. I have to say the recent Q&A with PCgamer gave us more information than you have given us throughout this entire expansion for goodness sake.

Why do we have to rely on such irregular/spontaneous Q&As for information? Don’t we deserve to have first-hand communication directly from the development team and yourself on a consistent basis? We all love this game and want to see it succeed but it is so frustrating to feel that we are voicing out our opinions and thoughts about the game for naught.

Edit: This is in relation to Ion’s quote that “A big part of the team, including myself, reads almost everything that is written in the forums and spends several hours a day reading tweets, reddit posts, watching videos and so on - and we understand players’ concerns about different issues.”

The full transcript may be found on wowhead’s website, Buffed. de 8.2 interview


I agree with this. There should be some kind of acknowledgement of issues and requests brought up on the forums that do get popular on a regular basis.

We can do baby steps at first and say just have a monthly dev post in general discussion regarding the threads and what the dev teams’ take on them are and what steps are being done to address the issues.


yes, exactly my point. We don’t necessarily need IMMEDIATE ANSWERS. Even a small monthly dev post that acknowledges the popular known issues of the current game by the dev team instead of dead silence goes A LONG WAY.


Nah, if they acknowledge player feedback it might set us up for disappointment. That’s their main concern.

I Agree 100% acknowledgement is needed.

I get your point my friend. I guess when I see other MMORPGs like Runescape performing monthly updates for their player base, it gets me going because I’m actually jealous of them.

Like take this extract for example:

At Jagex, we’re always looking to offer the best possible experience to our players, for all of our titles. In this blog - which will be the first in a series - we’d like to address subjects we’ve seen discussed a lot over the past few weeks: Jagex Customer Support.

In this blog we aim to outline the current status of support and the areas we’ve noticed you would like additional support with. We’ll also start discussing what we’d like to do to improve your experience over the course of the coming months.

Firstly, we’d like to address some of the points that we’ve seen from within the community:

-----and they go on to elaborate on the points further and ends with this:

We won’t promise the moon and deliver an orange. However, Jagex has already scheduled significant work on Customer Support and Account Management systems in 2019. Some of this is already underway in the background, and some won’t begin until later in the year.

The reality is that the many of our systems are bespoke, meaning we face legacy issues. We are working to improve our systems and processes, and in 2019 we have already increased our investment in these areas. And there is more to come.

We understand that this is our problem, not yours. But we also want you to understand our situation, and then hopefully see why some of the support you currently receive isn’t as good as it needs to be. Please do understand that we are changing that.

To be totally honest, there are no quick fixes. These significant issues will take time to tackle. And we will talk about it all as openly and honestly as we can in the coming months.

---- end of post

Note how they acknowledge the issues and INFORM their playerbase that these issues will not be solved overnight, but the issues are acknowledged and the team is working on them. It was highlighted that the issues by their playerbase were KNOWN. This is the kind of communication that should be made on a regular basis.


Oh, no I agree with you. The above was 100% sarcastic. It’s basically what Ion said in the last interview.

If Ion responded he would say a giant block of big ol’ nothing burger lawyer speak to be frank…


Honestly, any kind of engagement with player feedback would be better than nothing. Even Ion’s lawyer-speak.

On the one hand it would be nice. On the other… how enraged would some players get after typing out a huge feedback thread, for the only response to be:

:white_check_mark: Seen

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I guess another reason would be, players see he’s responding to a thread and picking favorites to respond to. It would be anarchy. At least the CMs don’t control the very way the game is.

If they cared about us knowing what they read they could at least un-hide their forum history.

One of my biggest gripes when the yak was let go was that none of the blues with a public profile met the “post read” requirement that “trust level 3” player posters are forced to meet. The yak was the closest though. That’s right… the blues do not (or did not) meet the trust level 3 requirement.

Ion and Lore both had theirs hidden. So honestly - your title OP… I’m not 100% there with you.

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Hello friend, I understand where you are coming from. My title is based on the information extracted from WoWhead regarding the Buffed. de 8.2 interview with Ion.

Extracted information quoted from Ion are as follows:

If players say we have lost touch with the community or we cannot put ourselves in the players’ shoes, that’s not the case. A big part of the team, including myself, reads almost everything that is written in the forums and spends several hours a day reading tweets, reddit posts, watching videos and so on - and we understand players’ concerns about different issues.

You can find the full transcript on wowhead’s website :slight_smile:

I have to disagree with this. Acknowledgement only works for so long before people get tired of hearing the same thing. There are not many issue with the game that Blizzard has not already acknowledged. What people want now is action, that want to see fixes to their problems or explanations on why they are making a choice to stay the course.

Acknowledgement is not the communication players want, Q&A is not communication players need. Communication would be consistently go to forums or places players gather to talk to them. Sure there will be some nasty people but ignore them and talk to the others.

Devs and players talking to each other, not at each other is what the game needs.


Yeah - I just wish the data was there that let me believe them… Its one thing to say it - its another when your most visible, forum centered people don’t meet the “post read” requirement hoops players are expected to jump thru just to post an image.

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Yes, but honestly if they do improve their communication, at least it proves they do still read these forums :slight_smile:

You have a sunny disposition. I like that. Don’t let the forums turn into a cynical cranky moose like me.

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He doesnt read these forums. He reads his tweeter feed.

A good leader admits mistakes were made and follows thru with fixing them or saying they won’t do that again.


Hahaha thanks friend! I think it’s fine to be cynical and cranky; but being a moose though… DEATH TO THE HORDE

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