Hey, how's it going?

Sweep the leg.

(Minimum 10 characters. Yada yada)

Anduin is us. We are the damaged paladin who fell from grace and now can’t be the hero any longer. This is our own road to salvation.


So what you’re saying is Anduin stole Kirsy’s deader storyline.

Which makes me wonder - if Anduin is a fallen/damaged light user, is it possible we’ll be seeing Forsaken Paladins eventually? Will they be light raised? And if so, does that mean we’ll all get Calia body types?

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I still think Blizz should have played a prank one year on April Fools and coughed up a Forsaken Paladin Class screen.

Make Judgement a lvl 1 spell, so when you log in, you get one cast off, you die and get booted to the loading screen.


Honestly, that would have been so funny lol

I would have laughed…and then cried.

“Scalecommander” is such a dorky title for a hero talent tree.

Yes, I said it.


They did say “race will not determine what class you play” – speculation of Paladins or Shamans as the next class has been ebbing and flowing.

Still think they messed up by not doing Druids for this season.

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A buddy of mine convinced me to play Star Wars the Old Republic again and it’s been a pleasant experience. Being able to make Light/Dark Side choices is refreshing even if they still ultimately lead to somewhat of the same conclusion. It’s still about the journey, right? Probably wont hang around for long, but for now I am enjoying myself.


SWTOR is such a wonderful game and it will forever have a place in my heart. I’m glad to see people still playing it and having fun.

As for me, I’m doing well. Feeling a lot of RP sparks and been enjoying my post-content endgame: Collecting, specifically collecting transmogs. I just finished up 3-month Revendreth mirror grind so it’s onto the next goal: PvP Marks of Honor sets.

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It would have made so much sense.

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I’ve been saying the same thing. 10.2.5 would have been perfect for all races to be druids. We saved the Emerald Dream and, as a reward, they teach us all Druidism. But, alas, it was not meant to be. :unamused::unamused:


I am hanging out for Orc, Sin’dorei, Shal’dorei and Draenei Druids.

Orc worshippers of the Loa and the Wild Gods, Sin’dorei and Shal’dorei wild-shapers, reforging the native plants and animals to serve their people, and Draenei looking to reshape and heal the lands where their star-ships have scarred and warped all forms of life.

If Mecha-Gnomes don’t have Mecha-Forms, we riot, however…

Orc druids are admittedly an idea I don’t care to see.

But I think if they were to exist, it could be a case where you go to the Outlands and find some of the remains of like the Primals, Breakers, or even Arrakoa who have kind of a druid-adjacent magic sets. You could kind of handwave that as Outlands has begun to regrow after it was broken, the magic of nature has surged and grown in harmony with the elements/furies. So you’d have the orc druid forms being kind of a mix of the Draenor stuff but also a bit elemental.
I’d prefer to see a more orc-specific explanation for why orc druids exist as opposed to just “they started worshipping the trolls’ stuff”

Which race doesn’t get criticized enough?

I want to say Nightborne.

I feel like not enough people rip on Dwarves.

I can’t stand Dwarves.

I can’t tell the difference between them and Gnomes.

People don’t really play dwarves because we’re labeled as short, ill-tempered, drunks. That’s exactly why I carry a big stick and TRY to speak softly. :pray:


Bah, nonsense. These qualities precisely why once the Alliance is finally defeated Dwarves… and female Draenei (though for different qualities)… will be spared.

I don’t prefer to drink alcohol. It dulls the senses way too much but if all that is left of the Alliance is Draenei, well, I will fight the Horde to the death!

For the Alliance!