Sir, I am afraid I am gunna need you to hand over your Dwarf Card, and I am going to have to confiscate your beard.
It’s a good thing I come prepared with a chair.
sets the chair down in front of Rakham, hops up onto it and looks the Forsaken square in the eye and with a crazy twinkle in his own eye and a grin whispers
Not without a fight.
Sir, if you are going to remain non-compliant, I am afriad I will have to demote you to Gnome Status. Your License to Dwarf will be returned once your blood-alcohol content has reached an appropriate level.
You’re not taking anything from me.
Smiles and pats Rakham on the head then hops down off the chair
I’ll leave this chair for you. Maybe one day you’ll figure out how they work. When you do, you’ll never be the same.
Unfortunately the correct answer is Trolls
I think Marvel may one day end up suing Zuldazar for copyright infringement, so they’ll get theirs.
Lightforged Draenei. It’s just Draenei with a different eye colour.