Depends. Did he want to be in a Tauren body?
I have a fondness for all Orc RP these days. But Peon characters were a special delight.
Definitely not something he would’ve wanted. Not sure how it could be done. Have to think that one through to make it believable and write down some notes.
I find myself constantly living in my own brain, no matter which iteration of the game I’m playing. Thing is, I love the game, love the world, love the races. For twenty years both the community and blizzard have shoehorned any garbage they can find into the world, and I just keep trying to ignore what I can, and remember Chogg is there to split the skulls of night elves and sloppy humans.
There’s my lore.
hands Guldan back his skull mug
I don’t like that.
But I do like that.
There’s a real complex flavor profile to this post.
I am but a traveler on a long and winding road. I will move for no human and will fear no orc.
No personal offense, sorry! You get what I mean.
Oh, and doing good, thanks, hbu?
You know what I think bugs me about War Within?
We’ve fought hundreds of boss who are described as having been driven mad, being in extreme distress or lashing out in emotional fury and our usual prerogative has been to just put them down. So, I wonder why we’re suddenly therapizing Anduin instead of fighting him again.
You know, this is a good point. I would guess it’s because he hasn’t killed anyone yet. The minute he tries to mercy kill a city over toxic grain will probably smack him with the BBEG bat.
Blonde boy needs redemption.
It could have to do with Blizzard trying to tie recovery from mental health issues into their narrative. That is just pure speculation on my end though.
I’m like 80% sure Anduin was a raid boss at some point in Shadowlands but I know we’re all just trying to block that expansion out
You and me both. I took my first actual WoW break after Castle Nathria and I’d been playing since 2005.
We already redeemed him. If we redeem him any more, he’s going to loop right back around into corruption.
He didn’t need redeeming because he was always good because of * checks notes * unreliable narrator Titans.
I am going to redeem so many people by putting them in headlocks.
Beating someone up to unredeem them is a good idea. This would be fun as a caverns of time instance where we have to go to the timeline where Gul’dan is just a kind hearted nerd and bully him into wanting to undo reality.
When I do a spinning cobra clutch from the top rope, that’s how you get super redeemed.