Hey guys look at what surv can do lol

speaking logically huh lol. You are trying your ever hardest to justify a one shot even if he didn’t press his cds it doesn’t JUSTIFY him getting 100-0 or 90-0 even with cds up atmost it should take a decent chunk not all his health. for someone with a bunch of glads you are so cooked on this standpoint lol. Like i get class bias but this is beyond that atp.

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I am not being bias at all. If I link you the 1 shot video from ssn 1 that every class can do if on someone just pressing no cds and you see they all get 1 shot at around the same speed and that surv doesn’t stands out, would you understand?

If every class can do this exact same thing if no one reacts then every class in the game should be nerfed. The reason you are seeing surv do it is because there is almost no surv hunters especially at higher ratings, so no one knows what to even look for as opposed to something like combust or avatar. When Mes plays Blood dk and 1 shots people for like 3 or 4 games and then people realize whats going on they stop dying.

Hass nothing to do with me as a player I am giving you logical conclusions on why things happened, and you are trying to make it about me. Which is illogical unfortunately.

I guess I’m wrong but I really don’t remember it getting used in arena at all last season. Seems like it had an extremely low pick rate and most people were running fote and bombs.

It’s no problem. Most likely just weird logout bug or the site you were checking on. Spearhead was like the standard talent choice since like DF it was more of an option in pvp. Its getting more traction now as a damage ability as opposed to a movement ability in pvp since it has the crit modifer on it. But, most survivals wont play the way that survival in the video does so not many are going to be going for all in 1 shot or bust playstyles. Or maybe they will depends on how viable it is when players realize what the buttons do.

Either way, all I was trying to do is explain what is going on behind big flanking strikes. Ability itself got buffed, pack leader gives + 40% pet damage now which impacts the pet portion. Agreed that sent is still overall more damage but pack leader mongoose bite build is now extremely easy to play and isn’t that much worse any more.

I think the distinction comes in that out of all those videos, the damage comes in buckets, is hevily casted, or dispelable more often than not.

I don’t disagree that people havent adepted to new survival hunter yet, but it’s not like it’s this insane 5brain gameplay to press your cds over a couple globals and remove someone’s entire healthbar.

There have been similar builds before in arcane mage evocate + arcanosphere totm, or ele shaman vesper totem or lava flows with full mastery to send 30 lbs in the same global.

Those had even more counterplay and were all nerfed because any gameplay that literally 100-0s in an instant tends to be poorly designed and toxic.

At the end of the day, survival hunter is hitting just as hard if not harder than top-end mortal strikes and doing so reliably.

I assume his build was pure Mastery as well.

I personally wont be running Spearhead. Just feels clunky and I prefer the sustain dmg from bleeds and quickshot buffing my WFB.

I am loving the new PL. When you get CA into Bear into FS, things just die and it feels great. But that takes some things lining up.

Flanking Strike finally being STRONG feels so damn good.

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I mean its lining up all your dmg during proc windows and lining it up so multiple things hit at once more planning than most specs do tbf. There is crazy counterplay. Pets are ai, they can be cc’d, you can react within 5 secs of the buttons being pressed, you could just press a dmg reduction defensive. Even if you dont do any of these you can line the hunter or cc him. The other burst cds you are talking about legit 1 shot you absolutely almost no counterplay other than being hyperaware in some cases these classes could cc you while they are prepping you for this; Survival cannot do that. This is a scripted build up thats not even fast. Compare the cd of mortal strike to spearhead. You should see how these shouldn’t be equal.

This is just not true, man.

I couldnt do close to that damage as a boomy in the same timeframe and I feel like moonkin is the burstiest caster AND has to cast to get that damage off, which is signifcantly more counterplay.

??? An ele shaman casting an ele, totem of wrath, pressing ascendance, and hard casting a lava burst with 0 haste had less counterplay or cc??

An arcane mage fully channeling evocate, hardcasting arcane surge. Fullying channeling and casting an arcanosphere and then pressing totm before it hit had less counterplay??

Nah, man, just stop.

By your own argument, it’s not normal ms that’s hitting that hard either; the same way that not every flanking strike is doing that either.

It’s the combined modifiers of dragon roar, 2x overpower, colossus smash, spear, avatar, and sharpen AND. A lucky crit with no innate crit steroids.

It’s more globals to setup, more telegraphed, less likely to crit, requires an extra pvp talent, and STILL does less damage.

There is no shot you’re trying to make that argument about flanking strike being okay but mortal strike nerf being justified.

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Boomies were 1 shotting me at 3k mmr last ssn doing starsurge for all of my health back to back. So that is entirely false. The problem was that totem of wrath into ascendence from range is not easily detectable.

Coordinated assault charges you to the target. Casting lava burst in range 1 shotting only happened a few times and 1 shot before players realized just dont let this ele get cast this 2 sec cast lava burst and you live. I dont know of a single ele sham playing this build that got r1. I do think you could randomly surprise players that have no idea of whats going on.

Spearhead and deadly duo is 2 two talent points on a minute cd that also dont buff the spell at all unless it crits. This is complete bs about the ms setup as well. Whatever you are saying is invalidated by the fact that these are normal rotational abilities. If you coordinated 1.5 secs spearhead 1.5. bomb. 1.5 flanking. This is still banking on lucky crit as well. Longer cd should do more dmg than a Mortal strike. The nerf is justifed because in a 1 min window where the surv could 1 shot you and average do around 650k dps and the arms can do their regular rotation and 1 shot while doing 800k dps.

No they weren’t, were they lighting you up with 5-7 back to back starsurges? sure, they weren’t one shotting you though. It’s not a one shot if you are at 30% when the starsurge is sent.

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not to overly defend him as i heavily disagree with his points and im even playing with a hunter next season as thats all my friend plays. But if were talking “one shot” as in died very very fast. Yes boomy was doing that consistently last season. could outright murder u 100-0 in a 2sec window.

So it wasn’t a 1shot then. Ive definitely killed people in 2-3 seconds before, but every time it’s telegraphed with full dots, trees, incarn, and a hardcast wrath into surges. You could also kick the wrath,or dispel the dots to make it to do 50% less damage… and even then it was still doing less than these flanking strikes.

This is just wrong, man. The warrior needs to colossus smash (45s cd, extremely obvious visual), thunderous roar (same), spear (90s cd, extremely obvious visual), and avatar (same) AFTER using 2x overpower and taking a pvp talent.

I’m not saying flanking strike shouldnt do real damage with cds, but to say that warrior is somehow vastly different and needed a nerf while this did not is biased beyond belief.

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Yea spearhead was used way more over fote in PvP atleast. The ones you seen with fote either were doing mythic plus or bored and trying sometime new. Spearhead is 100% better than fote.

just got done by this exact same dude. GGs.

Buddy, what are you saying I just told you this build up took the surv 4.5sec to even begin. Boomy has 100% popped treants and dream burst double starsurge 1 shot me before.

I am done speaking to you after this. Spearhead is 1 min. Flanking is 30 secs. Mortal Strike rotational ability is what 6 secs? Should Mortal strike do anywhere close to flanking 30 sec cd? Even if we are talking all modifiers? You are saying MS does damage after doing a normal rotation? That sounds normal.

To make flanking hit that hard you are playing a spec that will reduce your overall damage by minimum 15% even if playing suboptimally. Holding buttons so you can make sure everything lines up reducing your dmg further to try and 1 shot.

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If you’re gonna try and defend a 1shot for your class as being good for the game, but saying every other classes is bad, then you don’t seem interested in having a fair or logical conversation.

It’s probably for the best if you dip out.

Very true!

I dont feel that op atm but I didnt feel underpowered when blizz threw warr buffs either.
only thing I notice is a bunch more warriors being played

warr changes lately are too big brain for me I guess. may as well nerf it anyway cause I want fotms off my spec tho

Some people really just want to larp 2009 arenajunkies