Hey Blizzard why don’t you release the Mage Tower completion stats?

No, we’ve established it’s a function of hte DPS floor requirements.

Gear is irrelevant. Spec differences I do understand : there’s no way Arcane only has half the potential DPS than Assassination because it doesn’t.

But yet their DPS floor is half that of Assassination. Because that’s the current tuning for Sig.

Because the tuning is :drum: wildly off.

You haven’t proven squat except that you have no clue how DPS checks work. Which I don’t believe, which leaves the simpler explanation : you’re trolling.

You’re really not understanding this and it’s really not complicated. There’s no help for you.

Yes, I’m sure that’s why people with Timewalking sets were doing objectively more damage than with their SL kits.

Double speaking yourself and you’re calling me the troll :rofl:

Only by your incorrect definition of what constitutes tuning.

/smh You’re still the goofball troll you were when we started this conversation.

It’s irrelevant when discussing DPS FLOORS.

Health / Time = DPS requirement.

DPS requirement = minimum DPS to clear the encounter.

Has nothing to do with gear, only with the health of the mob and the time you have to burn it off in.

My god, the trolling is off the scale if you don’t get such a simple concept.

Yes, adjusting the DPS floor is tuning. That often involves 2 things : upping the enrage timer or lowering the boss’ health. Usually they don’t change enrage timers, so all that is left is changing the boss’ health.

That’s literally what tuning is.

Dude, you just claimed adjusting a boss’ health isn’t tuning. You don’t get to call anyone troll.

“Ability to meet dps check is irrelevant when considering dps floor.” :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Back at you fam. And I must say you’re doing a rather poor job of it.

Please… please, for the love of God… read the tower tuning patch notes. Educate yourself before you spew such silliness.

I’ve never once made that claim, but you’re welcome to find the several quotes I’ve made acknowledging it’s one single aspect of a multifaceted adjustment. Your trolling is garbage tier.

Yes, variance in gear levels is irrelevant to discussing the floor. For the floor, you’re looking at the bare minimum gear requirement.

And again : Arcane’s DPS potential at the minimum gear level isn’t HALF of Assassination’s, but their DPS floor is currently HALF of Assassination’s.


The ones where health was adjusted on many mobs ?

Those notes ?

Go troll elsewhere dude.

You’re acting like the fact that there is a difference at all means it can’t be reasonably met. This is a silly idea. You have silly ideas.


The ones that included tuning multiple aspects along with health. You’re tunnel visioning this and it’s making you look silly.

I’m sorry you’re so triggered at having your bad ideas called out, but I won’t be leaving. Thank you for your input though.

Seeing the average number attempts to completion per spec would be super interesting.

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Imbalanced is Imbalanced my man.

Many just got health fixes. Because for many, that’s all that was required.

Which is exactly the issue for Sig Arcane vs Sig Assassination. Sig Arcane has too little health.

Says the guy unable to comprehend DPS checks, or so he pretends to keep trolling.

The OP actually helped teach me arcane, so he is more than capable of doing it.

I’m not sure what the point of this thread is.

Out of all the things Blizzard has done wrong lately, the Mage Tower is the only thing I have enjoyed. I only stuck around in SL as long as I did just so I didn’t miss out on getting the Felbear immediately. Now I’m pretty much done with this expansion.

The last time I had the amount of fun I had completing these challenges was probably back in Legion when they first came out. Granted, I only completed the two I really wanted, that being Guardian and Fury, but I still found myself thoroughly enjoying it.

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This is a childish outlook my man. Equity =/= balanced.

I love these nebulous quantitaties designed to ignore any tuning change that doesn’t support your narrative. It’s rather entertaining.

Matter of opinion.

The more you repeat it, the truer it gets :clown_face: