Hey Blizzard please do NOT add undead night elves as a horde race. At some point it's enough

8.3 Update: More hints for undead Night Elves in the future
seems like they really want to go the path of spitting on our grave. Also funny how they say that they were abandoned even though the undead night elves could’ve rejoined their people the second they were raised.

I’ve seen many speculations and it’s becoming more and more likely that they are going to add undead night elves to the horde as an allied race.

The whole “getting raised and then siding with the very person that genocided your people and destroyed your homeland to kill even more night elves” thing was already a spit into the face, but you really don’t have to pour salt into the wound by giving the horde night elves now…

Please do NOT do it. You already killed off Night Elves in BfA. We get it that you hate them. You made it very clear. Taking everything from them in the War of Thorns and then mocking them in 8.1 made it more than clear. We got it now, but at some point it’s just enough…


Actually, doing this would be fantastic as it opens up new lore perspectives with Elune as they are still NE.

They should let you be an undead Orc/Tauren as well if they ever get around to resurrecting them.


Not if they are a horde race and end up killing all that are left of their former people.


Well that would entirely depend on how they are treated by them wouldn’t it?
Let’s be clear, the only reason why the Forsaken are the Forsaken and not a part of the Alliance right now is because of prejudice between the living and the dead.
If the Horde and NE are more accepting of their undead brethren, there wouldn’t be any issue at all tbh.


Undead Night Elves led by Sylvanas as a separate faction, with Calia leading the cleansed Forsaken in rebuilt Lordaeron for the Alliance :stuck_out_tongue:


Blizz doesn’t want to write NElf lore unless they’re on the Horde.
Why else do you think they REALLY got Nightborne?
The Nazjatar lore could have easily been NElf lore but they were just like “Nah the Nightborne are too lit”.
If you want NElf lore, don’t expect any of it Alliance side.


Well they could have, but the NE wouldn’t have accepted the Nightborne because of prejudice

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Better idea. No more elves.


I just want them to move on already. They have been spitting on night elves since the bfa pre patch to a point where they have absolutely nothing left besides a few homeless survivors. Isn’t it enough at some point?


I don’t think they will be done until they’re an official Horde race.

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I sure hope they do it. Night elves always kinda cringed me out

Is there any sort of news of this being added or is this paranoia before anything is even mentioned from the DEV team?

I want all the dead elves.


The issue is, the only risen NE’s we have seen so far just up an immediately started fighting for the Horde without a chance for living NE’s to even formulate an opinion…


Thank you for that thoughtful contribution to the discussion…

Oh Jesus, another one of these threads. Alright, provide me some links about these speculations cause I’ve heard nothing about this. And I highly doubt it’s a thing.

And the devs do not hate night elves. You’re spouting nonsense again.


Very good joke


Actually I think the evidence presented by “everything since WC3” is pretty sufficient where it’s not a theory anymore.


Well its not like something new and productive is gonna come from that thread anyway. Everything have already been said and it will just turn into a pointless arguing. OP just want to tell that he feel like a night elf victim for the 100 time this day.


I can understand why you wouldn’t want this, but imagine undead night elves druids and their forms