Hey Blizzard, I guess you do not care anymore

Maybe the dude should mind his own business lol and people will leave him alone too

Which platform? What’s the name of the video maker’s channel on said platform?

Serious “she shouldn’t have worn that” energy in here.

The real toxicity is highlighting exploitative and illegal behavior. The doublethink on these forums is impressive.

It’s crazy to me that people are blabbering and not just linking you the video: This Will Be My Last Video!

tl;dr Youtuber / WoW player that hunted bots. He claims he got IRL threats, and is ending his related streaming because of it.

I mean it’s not like the OP provided a lot of context.


I mean, he broke the rules. Blizzard’s been responding at a snail’s pace, but that behavior should have resulted in permanent bans across the board. The truth of the matter is that Blizzard isn’t able to do something about behavior happening in youtube or disc though, only what happens in Bnet and WoW

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Then theyre not bots.


This would be true if they didn’t do what I suggest in the rest of my post. Ban not only the account, but also the IP and hardware signatures. If they started doing that, the cost of botting would skyrocket and the botters would be priced out of existence.

I’m not sure this is 100% true. I know SWTOR took an active approach to tackle botting/cheating and so does the company I work for iRacing. Obviously I don’t have insider information on other companies, but I would think MOST companies don’t want bots killing their communities.

The bots aren’t self-replicating bro. They have human owners.


People still operate the bots…surely you understand that. Definitely not /thread, lmao. Braindead take.


Will just make the bot workshops adjust their botting methods until they don’t get (acceptably) banned as fast anymore. Which was the case in the past when they did get banned upon detection.

Gets circumvented pretty quick so fast it is as easy as writing the suggestion.

I believe this requires an even more intrusive anti-cheat like Vanguard type K0 to deploy, which could make it harder or take it longer to “wash” out or recycle botting but in the end will not stop them entirely.


No its out of control

Then theyre not bots.

Bots are scripted and run hands free/automated

This is akin to getting mad at me for selling PL.services and claiming im breaking the rules when ive done no such thing

And when it stops running hands free because it’s dead on a HC server the operator takes note and sees what happened.

I think you’re smarter than this Griz. Not sure what the act is about.


He probably caught some bots in it, and some regular accounts. Honestly though, the whole situation is just a mess. I’m surprised Blizzard hasn’t taken action against his account though. The off-bnet they can’t do anything about though.

unless they learn - AI bots want to know everything about Azeroth

Since we’re talking about WoW, we’ll need to look at what “bot” means in it’s context. Here is Blizzard’s definition:

Whatever programs these players are using - regardless of whether they meet broader definitions of the term “bot” - meet the definition set by Blizzard and the definition players in this thread are going by.

You’re wrong here champ, GG and no RE.

I’ll admit that putting yourself on blast on social media does open you up as a target to some extent but it will never justify doxxing and death threats. There is some “can’t take the heat? stay out of the kitchen” to this but damn guys.

Throwing yourself in the line of fire for botters, doxxers, and people making death threats might be a new GD low.

Youre missing the understanding of automation. You dont run automation so you can sit there at the keyboard and watch the automation lol

Theres hours between action and reaction with automation

Youre making my point for me.

Please feel free to elaborate. Your definition of “bot” is incorrect in the context of WoW - I provided you the correct one. Show me where I’m wrong.