Hey Blizzard, Classic Dungeons Are Fun

Also, blizzard tried that in cataclysm after wrath and those kind of dungeons were not well received by the community.

You have to convince the modern community to want to play the way you want not blizzard. You are barking up the wrong tree.

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I’d personally like some sort of middle ground.

Random Dungeons function as they do now (plz bring back badges). For Mythic (my opinion don’t hang me for it) I’d rather they just drop the time requirement and buff the rewards accordingly as you go up in Keys.

I’m aware that certain affixes change how the dungeon plays out but you still are moving to try and beat a clock. Remove the clock, buff the affixes, and buff the rewards. The ‘classic dungeon experience’ in modern WoW.

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I’m on my phone, so I can’t feasibly respond directly to a lot of people. With that being the case, I’ll just say this.

Part of the reason that oldschool dungeons prioritized CC was because of the fact that dying in the dungeon meant a potentially very long run back, and since the trash would respawn, every moment that wasn’t spent engaging a boss was a wasted moment.

People still prioritized speed back then – it’s just that the other mechanisms of the game made a steady, low-risk method of progressing through the dungeon the faster option.

If it takes 10 to 20 minutes after a wipe in Uldaman for everyone to run back, it is genuinely faster to avoid multiple wipes and take an extra couple of minutes to deal with larger pulls.

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ANYTHING but the D3 inspired speed runs is better, and I mean anything.

I got my gear levels I am happy with on my two 120 characters, stopped doing dungeons but still raid with my guild and am now levelling an alt. I cannot stand another dungeon in hopes of getting that one piece of WF/TF gear that may or may not be an upgrade, haven’t had an upgrade in months as it is from M+.

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Yes, i accept that hence i am looking forward for classic :slight_smile:

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I will agree that from what I have heard the community aspect is promising. However, the proof is in the pudding. I’ll hold my judgement and see how it all works out in say 6 months.

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You keep using the phrase dungeon crawl as if it means something different than trash grind, but it doesn’t. If blizz came out tuesday and buffed all the trash in dungeons to make them “crawls” the community would riot. Thats just the difference in the communities and why both versions of the game, modern and classic, are for 2 different audiences.


You just aren’t getting it. Our beef with Mythic+ has nothing to do with how difficult the experience is. It’s about how it plays out. It VERY MUCH is DESIGNED for player to be done with the “gogogogogogo” mentality. It’s entirely DESIGNED around that paradigm.

Maybe you do use CC BUT IT’S NOT THE CC THAT WAS USED IN A CLASSIC DUNGEON. It’s a completely different experience and it’s played completely differently.

Also, almost all of the mechanics you just mentioned were a part of the game since Classic. Yes, they’ve been specifically tweaked and modified to fit within the “gogogogogogogogo” paradigm of Mythic+ BUT there were mechanics that required this level of attention and planning in Classic Dungeons as well. YES, Classic Dungeons were challenging but we so using a completely different design paradigm.


Class identity.

Back when having to CC mobs meant you were more than your rotation.

Having to be on top of your game to prevent wipes in normal 5mans.


This is something I think has been plaguing all the systems in the game. I think it’s okay for M+ because there’s really no other way I can think of for competitive dungeons.


One man’s “trash” is another man’s “crawl”. YES, that’s pretty much the point. We want the “trash grind”. Methodically “crawling” through a dungeon. I’m glad you finally figure out the key component of what’s being asked for. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

YES, just like RAIDING is for a different audience than Mythic+. The game has, and will continue to, cater to different types of players. Providing the Classic Style Dungeon Crawl experience, in addition to a separate BUT EQUAL Mythic+ experience is what I’m asking for.

I seriously don’t understand the level of butthurt Mythic+ players have for this topic. Does RAIDING ruin your ability to enjoy Mythic+ too?

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There is a lot about classic that I’m not a fan of, but I have to say I agree that the current meta of 5 mans being a race against time. or even just a flat out race in the weird esports version, isn’t fun. if there were some other way to quantify skill besides speed, from point A to point B, that would be cool.

I don’t know how to do that, but That is definately not part of the game I am digging right now.

Luckily there is lots of other stuff to do. :slight_smile:

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Let me reword this

“Hey Blizzard having to pay attention to all these mechanics is hard”

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M+ is endgame content. Of course it’s treated different than heroics and normals.

But non-M+dungeons are for casuals, and in comparing Vanilla dungeons, which probably fell in between normal and heroic, it’s noticebly more difficult than their counterparts of today.

Scholamance alone would crush groups going in with the rush mentality.

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So was pitiful threat generation the only time patrols have been threatening?
Test post.

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People completely forgot what an actual achievment is. Today, WoW dungeons are just a race to get the loot as quikly as possible. Back then, no one cared about the loot.

The old school classic version of the game was punishing. The world was actually dangerous. Players actually died! Imagine that. Dungeons were brutal. The raid gear completely ruined the classic dungeons experience.

For a true classic dunegon experience, don’t bring your raid gear. If I was blizzard, I would downscale the players to the appropriate ilvl when entering the dunegon it order to preserve the experience as much as possible.

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They tried that with Cata dungeons, and people lost their damn minds.

Can’t even get people to slow down long enough for tank cooldowns, good luck with “methodical”.

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I dont think calling anything in Vanilla as complex is accurate. The game was a difficult crawl to the point where a dungeon could take the better part of an hour if not closer to two.

Wow dungeon mechanics are inherently more complex than anything was in classic. in general a single raid boss today has more mechanics than entire raid zones. M+ is a lot different playstyle that can have challenging affixes and genuinely be difficult, but its a far different difficult feel to it. And of course some weeks feel lile a freebie week unless you push over 15.

There’s something to be said about the simple yet difficult old days of wow. People are finding that they’re enjoying that as they play beta. Depending on how well Vanilla does I’m confident Blizzard will look into implementing some aspects of it into live.


I definitely agree that dungeons in Vanilla were by far the best. They felt like mini raids and actually took time to finish. The problem is, all these people now who are entitled and want everything handed to them, will just complain about the length of them because they need to be able to rush through dungeons in 10-15.


the main argument I see in this thread agains classic dungeon style is " this is no different from M+", or “how is this any different from M+”.

The thing people are forgetting is that these were not only uber high level end game dungeons. This started the minute you were able to hit dungeons at all.

One major complaint today is that players are getting to end game in raid level gear but don’t know how to play. Making dungeons more like classic from the beginning would help that tremendously, but I hear nothing but negative responses to the very notion of implementing such a thing from the very players that are probably the first ones complain about the current skill level of new players.

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