Hex Variants Not Macroable

Does anyone have a workaround for casting hex variants in a macro? I saw a post where a guy was able to use them by having the macro say to click another button on your action bars somewhere and while that does work, it doesnt work for my @focus macro.

Currently i’m using this for arena:
/cast [nomod] Hex
/cast [mod:shift,@focus] Hex

And that works fine without any hex variants. Now I also have this:
#showtooltip Hex
/click [nomod] MultiBarBottomRightButton2
/click [mod:shift,@focus] MultiBarBottomRightButton2

And that will work to click my hex variant in the MultiBarBottomRightButton2 slot on my bars but will not do the @focus part if I hold shift.

The showtooltip is messing you up a bit there because it’s only going to show “hex” not what’s on the buttons.

I’ll fiddle with it and see if I can sort that out.

Also, you can save some macro space like this:

/click [mod:shift,@focus][]MultiBarBottomRightButton2

Yeah, the showtooltip hex is fine. Not a big deal for me. Tbh honest if blizzard just had different names for the different hex variants I wouldnt need such a roundabout way of doing it. If one was called “Hex: Compy”, and one was called “Hex: Wicker Beast”, instead of them all named the same thing, “Hex”.

Took me creating a trial shaman to sort out how to do this, but it’s doable:

These are the variants for Hex that will work in macros through direct /cast commands:

/cast Hex(Cockroach)
/cast Hex(Compy)
/cast Hex(Frog)
/cast Hex(Skeletal Hatchling)
/cast Hex(Snake)
/cast Hex(Spider)
/cast Hex(Wicker Mongrel)
/cast Hex(Zandalari Tendonripper)

Written this way, #showtooltip will show the correct icon in your action button.

Please note that some of these are faction specific.

As to why the modifier wasn’t working for that particular macro, I suspect that whatever key MultiBarBottomRightButton2 is bound to, there’s a conflicting keybind with the Shift modifier somewhere in your existing explicit keybinds. Those will eat modifiers before they get to your macro.


Weird. They don’t have the parenthesis names in the spellbook so I didn’t expect the parenthesis to work. Well since that works I dont need that macro at all. I can just use a regular one such as this.
/cast [nomod] Lava Burst
/cast [mod:shift,@focus] Hex(wicker mongrel)
Thanks my dude!

/cast [mod:shift,@focus] [] Hex(Wicker Mongrel)
/cast [mod:shift,@focus,harm][harm]Hex(Wicker Mongrel)

No need for the second cast line. (I started this first, but Elvie beat me to the committed post).

This one will cast on your focus unit if you have one, it is harmable, and you have the shift key pressed or it will cast on your target if it is harmable and not dead.

It’s possible to stack quite a few different ones in there by using the left and right variants of the mod keys. I know you didn’t ask for this, but I’m posting it for illustrative purposes:

/cast [mod:laltctrl][mod:lalt,@focus]Hex(Spider);[mod:raltctrl][mod:ralt,@focus]Hex(Compy);[mod:lshiftctrl][mod:lshift,@focus]Hex(Snake);[mod:rshiftctrl][mod:rshift,@focus]Hex(Frog);[nomod][mod,@focus]Hex(Wicker Mongrel)
Modifier(s) Other Conditions Hex Variant
Left Alt and Any Ctrl <target> Spider
Left Alt @focus Spider
Right Alt and Any Ctrl <target> Compy
Right Alt @focus Compy
Left Shift and Any Ctrl <target> Snake
Left Shift @focus Snake
Right Shift and Any Ctrl <target> Frog
Right Shift @focus Frog
None <target> Wicker Mongrel
Any @focus Wicker Mongrel