So, put in a few attempts on Za’qul tonight and our tanks are getting rocked during Mind Tether. Average damage went from 25-30k of mind tether to 140-150k of mind tether damage. Anyone else seeing crazy damage on this fight?
Same tether tank was taking more damage than the main tank.
Our team is having the same problem. We figure that when Blizz put in the fix the other day that it changed how the damage is being put to the tethered tank. The tethered tank appears to be taking all of the non-mitigated damage. So if you have a brewmaster monk, for example, the tethered tank is getting hit for all of their stagger damage (i.e. the unmitigated damage).
My group tested a lot of different combos of tanks, and this appears to hold regardless of the tank.
Our current strat is 3 tanks. When 2 tanks become tethered, the 3rd tanks taunts the boss to take the damage so that the other two don’t. The other two are just doing dps and helping gather adds during this time. This strat is has been working well for us thus far.
Can confirm, very pain.
Our logs are public for proof, Blizz.
All the pain… Even as a Blood DK with all the heals.
Actually, Blizz forums are complicate. This is the right char… check these logs. >.>
yes, is very hard mode right now, the off tank is taking damage like crazy
Our group is seeing the same thing. Offtank only is getting completely obliterated. It seems to be a case where tank mitigation and armor values are doing nothing for tether damage, resulting in overkill attacks over 300k in some cases.
Yes this fight is for sure messed up. Blizz needs to check into this. A lot of my raid group has submitted a bug report. Please fix this asap, Blizzard.
Also encountered this issue tonight. Off-tank was melted by mind tether damage. Never had this issue in the past. Check this character’s logs for reference if needed.
As an update, our group was able to achieve a kill with our 3 tank strat. It actually went very smoothly, just needs good communication between the tanks. Our logs are also public for those that are interested.
We just killed it with the 3 tank strat as well. 3rd tank quickly taunts when first 2 are linked. Pretty dumb.
Same issue here. Our tanks were getting absolutely destroyed by Mind Tether, the damage is almost unhealably high if the tank isn’t getting pumped full of heals.
That is not even remotely the right character,
Got done tanking this fight with the guild tonight. The off tank is taking 2 times as much dmg as the main tank. I was frequently taking hits of 200-300k shadow dmg every second for the duration of mind tether. This is after last week where I could spend all of my rage and CDs on damage without ever being severely impacted by boss damage while within range of the main tank. This is absolutely busted right now and needs to be fixed. If I could get a night of raiding back to that would be great.
My guild ran into this too, eventually gave up and switched to Normal. Got him down, but I was still getting trucked for 200k during Tether with a Brewmaster MT.
Dang it, really wished I saw this post before ramming my head in this raid as a tank. I got destroyed even with mitigation up.
This isn’t a problem on heroic only, normal mode is having the same problem.
Once again blizzard has screwed up a boss for no reason
I encountered the same thing when I ran EP on normal today as well.
Was with a BM monk and we were both getting 1-2 shot from the mind tether.
Just for giggles, I went and looked up the logs from our last Normal Zaqul kill, and compared the damage graph for Mind Tether against our Normal kill from today. There’s a slight difference, but it’s noticeable.
Can’t post links, but change hxxps to https, squint real hard, and you should see the difference.