Heroic ilvl gating

  • heroic dungeons have an ilvl requirement
  • preferred stats for many specs are different than wrath
  • people don’t know/don’t care
  • people roll need on useless gear for their class solely for ilvl

I haven’t yet finished a dungeon in cata where a huge upgrade wasn’t taken from someone who could use it by someone who can’t. Plate taking Agi, mages taking Spirit, hunters taking Expertise. Blizz needs to implement a system where people who ninja useless gear get a 0 in that slot for average ilvl calculation, and indicate that it’s useless on the item so people stop taking crap from characters who can and will use it.

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Yep, playing holy pally and dps keep taking spirit gear which is functionally useless for almost all of them. Luckily I can’t really complain much due to int plate, I feel really bad for my priest brethren.

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Had a resto Druid taking cloth gear in GB yesterday. Checked their gear and they were wearing a mix of cloth and leather. When they were told, and I quote, “you know you get a bonus for wearing all leather right?” their response was “only 5% intellect it’s not worth an actual gear upgrade” and then started insulting the entire group right at the last boss

The irony is this was after he got on the first druid tank’s (this particular dungeon went through 3…) butt for needing on a green cloth drop right at the start. That tank immediately threw a fit with “fine you can just find a new tank then” and then left, like he didn’t just eat a 30 minutes for no reason…then the 2nd tank said nothing for the whole run, nearly took a mail agility helm from me off the first boss, then dropped group

In all my time playing this game I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone simultaneously take dungeons so seriously and also not care one bit about them than now in Cata Classic

Ive had people ninja several of my pieces so far. Blizz needs to make it so u cant need gear u shouldnt be using like retail.

Asking seriously, does anyone know why we can roll on gear we can’t use or that is for other classes? I’m never taking that 5% hit to int, so why even let me roll on non plate? It made sense in older versions of the game because part of it was letting you make subpar gearing decisions if you wanted, but with the new passives it errs far too heavily into griefing in my eyes. Would like a decent counter opinion.

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Because they forgot to change that for Cata

I might be remembering wrong but I recall original Cata changing it so you could only roll on gear of your armor class

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it increases their mana.

Wait till LFR comes out and people stack friends so they can need on certain items and be fed the bow, staff or sword off deatwing. The ammount of times i lost that sword to someone who was there needing for a friend was autrocious

every caster has some form of talent that makes spirit = hit

AFAIK only boomkins go for spirit

All hybrid casters do. Ele, boomkin, spriest. Can’t really be mad at a spriest unless they’re already good on hit rating. It’s the mages and warlocks who get nothing from spirit. That said, if the ele or boomkin rolls on anything other than their armor type, they’re still griefing unless it’s unopposed.

While cheesy…ilevel.

Lock dungeon to ilevel , People will cheese the Ilevel.

I can’t judge. In retail to bypass darkmoon rules I’d get my actual primary stat trinket. And the cheapest useless one too,

Int dark moon if cheapest? well my agility class just got smart. It cleared the Ilevel need, all it had to do.

I’ve done about 30+ random heroics so far and yesterday was my first time seen a tank use this bug and omg was it annoying. Our tank had 97k health by far the lowest health person in the group. Ended up clearing it but wasn’t fun at all

As a dk tank Ive lost some nice tank/dps items to healers and boomies. I hate to say it but id almost rather them go ahead and move to personalized loot like in retail so people can just roll on what they can’t/won’t use.

1000% had numerous items ninja’d off my rogue by plate wearers and druids, all to boost their ilvl… It’s BS and it’s probably gonna get worse come raid finder…

Gonna have to agree with OP. Havn’t lost any gear to shenannigans yet, but had a warrior roll against me on a agi/stam piece yesterday (on my Feral) and even though he lost, it feels bad to lose gear to someone who either isnt’ going to use the gear, or is only using it to increase ilvl and the gear is performing sub-par for them.

Either decrease ilvl requried to do heroics (easier than OP’s suggestion) or implement what OP has suggested.

Simple fix. Make items that are not your armor class give a -20 to the item level of the item and make it a red text when viewing the item.

They have said they do not plan on bringing LFR to classic.

Thankfully I haven’t seen any of that yet. The one big thing I’ve seen is people just clearing to the boss they want then leaving if their piece doesn’t drop. Seriously gross scumbag behavior

Just like they said that they had no plan for RDF? Lmao, alr, see you in LFR when it arrives.