Heroic ilvl gating

Yeah, people actually wanted RDF, as evidenced by the amount of backlash the decision received immediately.

Not a peep about LFR. Nobody wants it.

I don’t think I even did normals in Cata. I just bought BoEs and didn’t equip them to inflate my ilvl and then sold them once I obtained some gear. Not sure if this still works in classic but it was nice at the time

Don’t forget about transmog.


wait till it doesnt. they alrdy said it wouldnt

you mean you both rolled and you lost the roll?

They have said alot of things. But ill be here when LFR Dragon Soul comes out brother.

Warlock took my Amber Messenger bow the other day…I was like, really dude?

With that being said, it was the only piece of stolen gear from me.

There is no performing subpar they don’t have to equip it ilvl counts for the slot it doesnt have to be equipped only in their bags

Except the fact that they would still be using lower gear than they should be. They will still be performing sub-par for the difficulty.

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Running a resto and disc and though it is frustrating it happens 50/50 to me. good thing is I can run that dungeon again two or three more times before DPS can get back in. Do I like it? nope. BUT there is no fix for this really unless guild run or pre-made with trustworthy people. Is Bliz going to fix? Not a chance.

I think that comes with the Panda xpac, but I may not be remembering that correctly. It has been a while.

I had some mail init bracers ganked from me last boss in DM from a Pally.
His entire group failed on last boss. My guild group came in and finished dungeon after he pleaded for us to stay (since it was last boss I guess he thought we’d leave - we were not going to – ez valor points). We finished it for him and needed on my mail bracers, took them and left. :person_shrugging:

wont stop people on necks, rings weapons or trinkets though

I just do pvp gear doing heroics sucks just gonna do for my weapon

Not every caster class has a talent like this.

Who cares about LFR welfare epics?

Dumbest post ever