Hope you’re all having a great day! We’re looking to finalize our 25M core with only a few short weeks left until ICC launches! We’re a Semi Hardcore Guild. 50/50 H 14/14 H. Our expectations are team oriented players that show up on time, ready to raid, & contribute to a positive environment. We do run Loot Council but understand the need to boost your gear in order to catch up to our 5600+ core. Currently in NEED of Mage, Boomy, Enhance, Survival SPECS. Will consider any solid player/attitude. Feel free to add me on discord xojimmie#7489 to discuss further. we are the “Lowlifes” on Benediction. if you like a little music, heroic progression, raiding with a group of fun boys and girls. please reach out. my name is James or Jimmy. would love to help you join our fun raid team. thank you <3
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