Heroic EP and Jaina Mount sales

Simplicite is a top 100 US ranked guild throughout BfA and ended Legion at US103. We have been doing sales since NH in Legion, and have multiple repeat customers that will vouch for our services. We have sold everything from mythic raid mounts, tmog runs, heroic clears, The Chosen runs, etc.

Heroic sales:
Full clear or just AoTC. Prices will always change with demand so add the btag below for prices/any questions. We will trade any baseline 430 gear (non WF or TF gear) to buyers. As of this post (8/9/19) the only thing our raiders could get upgrades from heroic is a couple azerite pieces and a couple of trinkets at baseline 430 ilvl. I would think this will not be the case in 1-2 weeks.

Jaina Mount
Price will also change with demand. Guaranteed trade everytime, no gimmicks.

Only gold, we will never EVER do real money. Trade will be done before the run begins, once inside the instance. Deposit may be required in some cases that will be refundable if notice is given within 24hours of the run that the buyer cannot make it.


Hit me up and let’s talk! Proceeds will go to our mythic progression!

Hello hello!

Looking for people for heroic clear on monday!

Bbq chicken pizza is the best kind of pizza.

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Jaina mount and heroic clear successfully done last night! Hit me up to get you scheduled!

Howdy, I am interested in Jaina’s mount. What is your asking price?

Hey man! Add my btag and we can talk!

Hey hi how are ya

looking for people!

Yes hi hello