Heroic dungeons lockout

My concern is that blizzard has a tendency to pump the brakes on things when they perceive the player base getting gear too quickly. In which we get what we’ve seen in the past and recently of loot drops being nerfed through amount dropped, what loot you can get given some loot can be dead based on raid comp. Followed by making items rare or very rare drops to further slow down peoples ability to obtain certain items that are pretty powerful and can have a major impact on their DPS and HPS outputs.

Am I trying to troll? Try and go walkthrough a dungeon right now on dragonflight in heroic. There are zero lockout.

If I am wrong then sure label me a troll.

Heroic Dungeons Not Available on Dungeon Finder Until Season 1 Starts in The War Within - Wowhead News

It was this datamining that caused the speculation that there might be lockouts. This may end up being wrong, we don’t know yet.