Herod the premier failure

Yep so much talking. It ended up being one of the most unbalance realms out there according to different data. I guess it is ok for horde dragon slayers.

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60/40 isn’t that bad (and by the way, the data seems to agree across different sites, and also seems to correlate with what I’ve collected)

however, it’s probably significantly worse now due to free transfers.

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It can depend on time of day those players are active. Say if its actually pretty even during Primetime, but horde tend to stay up late, thats not too bad.

But a 60/40 on its own is pretty bad without further information. If that’s all the information I had, I certainly wouldn’t roll there and I would strongly consider transfering out.

To be fair though, it was obvious what was going to happen. When they announced that it would be “the PvP” server of all PvP servers, I knew all the Horde fanbois would flock to it.


Just be glad you’re not on stalagg

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Yeah… Stalagg is a hell hole if you’re not going through BRM in a raid group as alliance. There’s definitely a ton of alliance on the server. There’s just considerably more horde.

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So horde have both the premier pvper’s and the population to boot. Ever heard of the phrase quality attracts quantity?

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I believe every time we’ve tested that, quality drops due to knockoffs infilitrating the marketplace.


I rolled horde on a nearly 50/50 pvp server, what does that make me big nose.

I think these data are pretty unreliable since Blizzard has since broken the addons that gathered the data and enabled free transfers. It’s probably not better now, though.

the same as the alliance on your server that you broadly painted as scared losers.

And you know what they say about the size of a man’s nose.


All these tough guy streamers rolling horde. Roll Alliance on a Heavy Horde and turn the tides.

Id rather watch a hardcore Alliance tear through waves of noob Horde thinking they rolled easy mode.

EU - Lakeshire. What a hot mess.

You guys focus too much on numbers. Isn’t that data stale since census was broken? Have you paid a visit to the Herod forums to look at the types of guilds on that server? Herod is perfectly fine.

In all fairness, 60/40 means that the stacked faction has 50% more players than the underdog. For every 2 players, the enemy has 3. So yeah, it is that bad.

HOPEFULLY, blizzard has the same if not more accurate numbers, and will pair imbalanced realms up when it comes time to implement CRBGs, and leave the ones that are not imbalanced alone to fight only their server’s foes.

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Isn’t Faerlina where all the streamers are? :smiley: the pvp streamers?

I’m not sure what people expect Blizz to do about this; Players are going to play for the factions they play and on PVP centric servers the ones with greater imbalance are going to be more attractive then the ones that are more even due to having the most obvious advantage in PVP: additional bodies.

The best Blizz can do is offer free transfers out of that server or into it in hopes of balancing out horder or alliance.

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Just more Hordies for me to kill when I’m 60. Get ready for me, plebs.

Anyone else see the EU realm, Wyrmthalak? Lol imagine being one of the 131 horde players there with almost 30k alliance

60/40 is fine.

What exactly is the point of this thread?

Other way around