[Herod] [A] Hunter LF Casual Raiding Guild

Hello all,

Just thought I’d throw my name out if anyone is needing a hunter. I’m looking for a casual (2-3) nights a week raiding guild. I’m in my mid/late 20’s and cannot afford to raid on a hardcore basis any longer.

I did play in the Burning Crusade originally and have leveled my fair share on certain classic servers in the past.

If you have an open spot let me know!

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Feel free to check us out! We are a new guild starting from the ground up.
Our leaders are experienced and have played classic and retail.
Good luck finding a guild, friend!
[A] [NA] [PvP- Herod] <Inspire The Liars>

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Hi Elairion,

Feel free to check us out (link below). We have a fair bit of experienced Vanilla WoW Raiders and our raid times should coincide with your availability: we do not plan on raiding more than 3 nights a week and we need more hunters. You can add either of the following on discord to discuss further:

Guild Master: Shady#9121
Officer: Fungus#1071

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Hey man. I’m running a guild on herod alliance side, we raid 3 nights a week MWF 8 to 11pm CST. We have about 90 or so in our discord right now, always looking for more recruits like yourself. If you’re interested hit me up on discord! Magedaddy#4559

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Hey I read over your post and I think we’d be a great fit for you. We’re actually in need of a couple hunters as well so it’s a win win. We plan to raid fri/sat nights starting at 10 est so if that’s something you’re interested in please reach out to me on discord @ Keltor#2147 or BNet @ Dakota#12899 thanks and i look forward to hearing from you

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