Hero Talents

Speculate which tree does what! Go!


I’m really hoping conduit makes us become one with our celestial. instead of summoning them we get infused with their power. Maybe some armor covers us themed around certain ones. Surely conduit means that and not just summon frenzy.


Initial guess would be that Master of Harmony is a more hardcasting focused build, and Shado-Pan leans into more dps-focused healing.

No idea with Conduit of the Celestials, hope its cool though!

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My guess is that shado-pan is windwaker and brewmaster, master of harmony is mistweaver and windwalker and conduit of the celestials is brewmaster and mistweaver. I really hope by 11.0 celestial summons become something optional for monks rather than mandatory.


I was initially thinking Shado-pan would be between MW and WW and be more melee focused as well, but it also fits well with BrM.

Master of Harmony is definitely next to MW and I’m leaning more towards BrM. I’m hoping that it’s going to incorporate buffs to ranged spells but maybe also focus on defenses.

^Edit: perhaps giving MW access to the stagger mechanic.

Conduit of the Celestials is a little more challenging, it really could go between all of them. First thought leans toward being able to spec/summon a second celestial. I think that would be boring however and would rather see celestial enhancements.

Like if between MW and WW perhaps CJL could be augmented by Xuen to be an aoe spell.

I’ll definitely have to ruminate on it more.

Shado-pan is weird because the name alone makes me think of a windwalker and rogue hybrid, no other monk spec i see fitting shado-pan.

The other 2 names fit every spec honestly.

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In my short time as a Monk player, all i’m going to say is don’t get over hyped and take everything with a grain of salt.

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That’s a given, we always end up with scraps but we can dream.


Being a monk main means you dont expect stuff, you just speculate.


I dont know what it does, i dont care what it does.
But im choosing shado-pan.
Thats just awesome!

Also i would say
Shado-pan: ww brm
Master of harmony: mw brm
Conduit of the celestials: mw ww

Although maybe swap brm and ww in the harmony and celestials row. That could go either way really.
Only one im certain on is shado-pan being ww and brm


This is what I’m assuming as well.

Currently, MW is probably the spec where the celestial has the largest impact on playstyle, and we’re the only spec with two celestials. Seems fitting to give us that one, in addition to the harmony one (which is pretty much a given).

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I agree with most of the others here that Shado-Pan is likely WW-BrM. Master of Harmony is likely MW-something, too.

I do kind of wish that one of the Hero “specs” was “Drunken Hozen,” though.

My guess is it will look like this, because there is one thing blizzard won’t do and that is provide Brewmaster with good self heals without it being tied to tier set.

Master of Harmony = MW and WW
Shado-Pan = Brew and WW
Conduit of the Celestials = Brew and MW

I can see Master of Harmony being a lot of healing buffs and based on the name I would assume (without knowing anything at all) that it is a ranged healing hero class.

I can see Shado-Pan as a stealthy melee type of monk. After all most of the Shado-Pan are monks and ninjas. It will look amazing and add that ninja vibe some people ask for so badly in the monk class but I can see it being our lowest dps hero tree.

Conduit of the Celestials will become our pokemon master hero class. Because it would be amazing to be a super sayien ki blasting monk by becoming Celestial enhanced (we are the power) but any time a blizzard dev comes up with anything celestial based it ends up being a stupid ai summon pet. So I can see this being our top dps and hps spec because blizzard loves to push summoning onto the monk class like we are a poor version of warlock/bm hunter.

What I dream it could be:

Master of Harmony… don’t care, the literal only time I ever healed on monk was to get the mage tower staff so I can have mage tower weapons for all 3 specs of monk in legion.

Shado-Pan: This could be used to add stealth to monks and maybe bring in weapon attacks people crave. Open in stealth, leg sweep, into a tiger palm, into a FOF with the stun back on FoF, and finish with a 360 degree Katana sword swing finisher.
Taoshi  陶矢.gif | HIVE

Conduit of the Celestials: You become a glowing god of the celestial you represent. Red aura fist weaving monster of the crane. Blue/white glowing aura you are aoe lightning tiger god Xuen.
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You FSK into battle, Tiger palm, Expel harm, then invoke the power of Xuen, like Shazam becoming a god superhero, a blue lighting bolt hits you and you’re now glowing blue with lightning pulsing around you doing aoe damage like your pet xuen, who you no longer use because you are the beast now, but instead of FoF you have a channeled Ki blast.
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Keep in mind that as of now, all the hero talents do is augment spells we already have. They haven’t shown anything yet that suggested they’d be adding new spells or abilities or changing the design of the specs.


I think it would be cool if Conduit of the Celestials makes your Celestial permanent like a companion. Ive always wanted to have Chi-Ji, Yu’lon, Xuen, or Niuzao at my side instead of just being a cooldown.


That could be fun, they could do lower healing/damage and then their “summon” ability could just be a burst CD.


Yeah their summon ability could just be to empower them more. That would be awesome.

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I’d love to run around with Yu’lon by my side.


Poor celestials, having to split into a thousand tiny celestials to follow monks.

Or maybe the celestial summons are just mimicry made of the monk own chi and you’re not summoning the celestials at all.

Noticed this too during the showcase. Nothing majorly new, Ion mentioned they will have simple passives and stuff that “slightly nudge” gameplay one way or another. Looks like Legion wep trees but with less actual “on use” abilities and more passives.

My only hope with the hero tree is that it fleshes out both if the MW styles of healing more and supplements them. If new things are added though, great!

My guess is
ShadoPan is WW/Brew ( prob lets monk buff ST or AOE with various options/passives )

Conduit Of Celestials is WW/MW ( Hard to decipher this one, could mean summoning lots of celestials, could mean longer uptime or permanent celestial, could mean just simple buffs to whatever celestial we picked. This could be the Yu’Lon/CF type hero tree for MW im guessing. Buffs Xuen for WW maybe makes it a stronger CD for them or permanent pet, etc.

Master of Harmony is Brew/MW: Harmony/balance between damage and healing. Possibly giving MW some stagger, possibly giving Brew some AT like damage to healing conversion? This could be a more Feyline friendly MW tree.

Should be interesting. Im expecting mostly passives in the end though.