Hero Talents

Whichever hero trees are shared between MW and WW I hope there’s a talent or two in there that buffs the damage of CJL and (serious hopium here) makes it an aoe ability. Xuen and Yu’lon working in tandem.

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This is what I think too. I really don’t care for the other celestials so i would want the conduit on WW. Eh; i mean i do like pets though, so maybe it wouldn’t be horrible.

oooo, i didnt think about that. I honestly think that would be cool.

ooo this would be intersting too! lol

yall got some good ideas.

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We can probably deduce what these roughly involve and thus what specs they will be selectable for by examining spec aspects that intersect with each other. Here is what makes the most sense to me:


  • Master of Harmony
  • Shado-Pan


  • Shado-Pan
  • Conduit of the Celestials


  • Conduit of the Celestials
  • Master of Harmony

My reasoning is this:

Master of Harmony - Healing
Master of Harmony implies spiritual abilities, likely involving healing. BM will benefit from self healing, and MW is just obvious. I predict Master of Harmony will improve Expel Harm and will likely involve summoning healing orbs - giving BM more/better orbs to hoover up and giving MW back the ability to blanket the battlefield in healing orbs (like their mastery of old). Maybe some more absorb shields too.

Shado-Pan - Improved Martial Arts or Weapon Usage
Shado-Pan makes most sense as an offensive-arts spec given the Shado-Pan’s status as Pandaria’s premiere defenders, which will be most desired by WW’s and BM’s. I can see this either evolving the martial art skills like Tiger Palm and Blackout Kick, or possibly giving Monks the option to weave in weapon strikes to their rotation (something that has been requested). I can see this including improved defensives too, such as much better parry and 360 degree parries, becoming a whirlwind of parries and counter-attacks.

Conduit of the Celestials - Celestial Spells and/or Pet Focus
To me a conduit is going to do one or both of two possible things: enhance abilities to take on aspects of the spec’s celestial, or focus on summons like having a permanent Celestial pet. This can be things like lighting charged Fists of Fury, MW’s getting access to jadefire, or having a mobile permanent pet instead of statue (whether this is a ‘son of a celestial’ or a full on avatar of the celestial itself). MW could become a dedicated healing-pet spec similar to FF14’s Scholar job.