Hero Talents - What Do We Think?

The War Within will be bringing Hero Talents to classes that unlock at level 71. Here are some of them - what do you think?

Warrior: Slayer, Colossus, Mountain Thane
Paladin: Lightsmith, Templar, Herald of the Sun
Druid: Wildstalker, Keeper of the Grove, Druid on the Claw, Elune’s Chosen
Hunter: Pack Leader, Dark Ranger, Sentinel
Mage: Sunfury, Spellslinger, Frostfire
Priest: Oracle, Voidweaver, Archon



Another tree and another way to progress? Cool. At its best, Hero talents will be fun, balanced, and extremely useful. At the very least it will make individual class forums even more interesting as PvP’rs and PvE’rs duke it out in a flurry of new numbers and percentages as well as the never-ending cries about why their Holy Pally isn’t topping the DPS and HPS charts. Lol.



nope nope and nope !!!

The thane role is sort of cool in creating something like a shaman/warrior hybrid, an archetype which has always kinda been lurking in the background since many of the game’s warrior-like characters were sort of shamany too, like Cairne and retirement thrall.

I hope the slayer talents let us do the Shadowlands era execute only rotation lol

Hero Talents also retain your combat role and the gear that you use so that you’re not competing for new types of gear. For iconic Warcraft character archetypes, we wanted to be sure that we could deliver on their fantasy with World of Warcraft’s classes. Blademasters just wouldn’t be Blademasters without abilities like Wind Walk and Mirror Image , but those abilities don’t fit in a warrior’s toolkit.

Have to disagree with them there I would have no problem with being able to stealth as a warrior, fits perfectly in my toolkit on the basis of, “I want neat things”


They’re looking kind of cool but I’d prefer something else.

20 years of this game, 30 years of the IP?

I really wanted a Bard support spec that any class could learn like a new type of profession.

I want the SOD tank roles in retail.

I want a few new support specs scattered around.

I want player housing and a suite of races people have wanted for years.

Instead, 20 years of this game and: caves, rock candy dwarves, and… this.

It does look like they’re doing cool stuff with it, though, so I’m really just having lots of mixed feelings:

  • Glass half full: cautiously optimistic for some fun builds being BiS, kind of looks like support-ish roles are being added this way, it’s almost like getting 3 new specs for each class, sort of, and some of it is looking great so far

  • Glass half empty: this isn’t exactly what I wanted and I do believe better stuff would bring people back far more than this will but I know I’m being a baby about it idk

It was very interesting to get pitched 3 expacs and this system, but imagine if they were like… It’s been 20 years – it’s time to make shaman tanking official and we’re bringing in demo-form warlocks and rogues, too. You can finally roll an Ogre, Ethereal or Naga. We’re adding 7 specs to the game. You’re getting a house and, get this, you won’t be spending 2 years UNDER GROUND.


I keep waiting for the big reveal and part of me thinks there isn’t one.

20 years. I guess I just expected…something to break the internet.


“Lightsmith” is such a silly name. The Lightsmiths are going to get bullied.

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I’m cautiously optimistic since this will allow some more customisation and cool things.

I do wonder if Season of Discovery is Blizzard testing the waters to see if allowing certain classes to have access to certain abilities will be viable or if it’ll break the game.

I’d certainly like to see abilities that allows limited access to stealth and similar cool things become universal, but we’ve also got to make sure we’re not giving the fun gimmick of a class away to everyone, or making it universal so nobody bothers to roll that class/specc anymore.

Like, let’s say your warrior wants to be able to summon a Demon or a Hunter pet. Okay … But it’s got to be weaker than a Warlock’s or Hunter’s pet, and the Warrior might also end up reduced in some way, like reduced health, or sharing a health pool with their demon and doing % less damage while the Demon’s out.


i like them but i hate that they’re not adding additional roles to classes. full dps classes suck, and i want to heal on my mage so i don’t have to sit in dps queues.

Chronomancer would probably be cooler than whatever mage got.


I really can’t wait to try out these combos once they are finally released!



Maybe these will be in “inspired by past musings.” But probably not.


I am out of sync with blizzard’s class fantasy for hunters and it stinks big time.


Monk is so tied to Pandaren lore I honestly don’t know what any of it really means lol. So like one is Celestrial guy and the other is idk inner zen or something something.

Blizz needs to binge watch 70s Kung fu movies. Give us a five deadly venom hero spec or flying guillotine spec.


I just wish we got class skins instead of lore-themed hero power that won’t fit everyone’s character.

Also hate the hunter ones. Doesn’t work for so many races.


I do hope there are at least some cosmetic/“skin” elements to these.

Like the most important thing for san’layn isn’t so much their talent points as whether or not they get some red eyes


I hope there are cosmetics/skins, but I want them to be optional. I don’t want to be forced into looking like something during casting.


I am not looking forward to all the Dark Rangers that I’ll see.

Oracles are always welcome. I’ll hang out with a few Colossi. I’ll even tolerate the company of a Lightsmith.

But I am not going to buy coffee for a Dark Ranger.


You’re not being a baby at all. There really are so many more meaningful, individual journey/story driven things they could have been doing and you’ve hit on quite a few above.

Cheers :beers:


That’s big of you, they’re so annoying, always smithing light in the middle of an otherwise pleasant lunch.


Ohhh being racially thematic would probably get me more excited.