Hero Talents - What Do We Think?

I always thought “lightsmithing” was just an old parlor trick invented about the same time that chairs were first introduced to the Alliance.

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What Do We Think?

I am currently thinking that pistachio ice cream is pretty good! :slight_smile: Thanks for asking!

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bonks you


Aside from names of certain things, I like them. They add a nice level of progression to the talents we got. I think going forward they could be pretty cool as well. I think they are a good middle ground between class skins and adding classes. And they can always add more trees and to existing trees down the line.

The con(to some degree anyway) is that a lot of these have specific racial themes, which doesn’t matter mechanically, but does aesthetically. It also informs the overall design direction of the hero tree since they are trying to replicate that fantasy.

Oracle is looking interesting with some support flavor added to Disc/Holy if you take it.

For raiding, I expect the choice will be clear and not flexible. It’s kind of like each class now has 3 new specs that fold over the old ones, and that’s pretty much what you’ll be now.

I just wish they’d normalise BiS stats for each class, it’s so annoying to get locked into a spec unless you somehow grind out 2 sets of gear – and will be even more annoying if it isn’t addressed for this. “I geared for Oracle and can’t switch to Archon because the stats are different” FOR THE SAME DAMN SPEC!

I really hope they avoid or, better yet, bring back reforging <3

Dark Ranger looks fantastic. I don’t main hunter but I enjoy playing it casually and I realize that not everyone shares my passion for darkness and dead things—but as someone with (probably) way too many Forsaken characters, I want that.

Speaking as a priest main, I’m ambivalent/slightly less enthused about Oracle. I watched the Taliesin dev interview and AutomaticJak’s follow-up, and I’m kind of with Jak and his guildie: if Voidweaver and Archon are any less complex than managing a 1 minute CD buff that automatically cycles through three possible options every second (and replaces your PI, which is an easy “fire and forget” flat DPS/HPS boost for anyone), then Oracle is going to be DOA. It just seems like needless complexity for a dubious throughput boost.

Not to mention the “very low chance” to proc on multiple allies means that, once per boss fight, you might get an insanely good proc or an insanely lame one. A lot of RNG for something you have to manage so closely.

Another mini tree but a way to progress - no. Talent trees are not progression. Progression means every talent would increase or add visual animations to prove a character has progressed via talents and skill. If anything talent trees right now are just borrowed power and there’s a ceiling.

If it’s another tree and you have to take time to meet certain requirements, to move through that tree, to unlock the skills, that’s another form of progression.

Horde Warriors are going to be forced to choose Mountain Thane talents and that doesn’t seem…quite right.


I have a baby mage(lvl30) right now and a babay shaman(lvl30) , but my main is destro warlock im crossing my fingers they dont muck it up

Really an “elemental warrior” fits Orcs and Tauren perfectly, it is just a very dwarfy name for that.

Dwarves are becoming a neutral race in TWW I guess but it could be made more neutral by just calling it “Avatar” after the archetypal ability or something without a dwarfy word like “Thane” in it.


I hope not. I would have a difficult time RP’g a neutral dwarf after all the past wars that wrecked Khaz Modan.

Neutrality is too much like sitting on the fence. Why sit on the fence and avoid making decisions? Indecisiveness can bring everything to a really quick end.


Well I mean Earthen–there will be Horde dwarves, just not Khaz Modan dwarves.

Next up: Dwarf and draenei Dark Rangers!

I know the burning of Teldrassil was bad, but I’ve got to say, between the complete defanging of their faction and inflicting upon them a less-interesting form of a Dwarf, the Horde are having a tough go of it.

In my head, Earthen and Dwarves aren’t the same. The Curse of Flesh separates the two. Forgiving orcs for their occupation of Khaz Modan on their way to fight humans doesn’t seem like an easy thing for a dwarf to forget. Orcs and humans started this mess. Dwarves were swept up in the wars and forced to fight for their homes.


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I have no idea why is this a thing even, i thought everyone agreed borrowed power was super bad for the game and balance, these talents are nothing more than covenant soulbinds/ artifact traits/ azerite powers and i thought with DF Blizz accepted the notion and moved on from them somewhat. This will just req more tuning on already out of balance gameplay. If they made this hero talents be a form of style impact on abilities, that would be another story. For expample if they changed the color of animations, or if they added new animations to abilities and let u chose from those, that could of been fun. I know glyphs do these things already, but there is far too little of them and they mostly change utility spells.


Have you met Blizzard?

Allow me to introduce you.


Blizzard sent players all over Azeroth to find legendary weapons. We did the grind and received the rewards to level those things up. Blizzard could have kept putting more into developing that weapon system but instead they deactivated them in the next Xpac because they knew that we needed a new grind and reward system to bring us back. Lol.

Now, i read a funny thread here a little while back about Sword RP. Cool stuff. Imagine the story arcs we could have for our characters if we could have been leveling up those weapons this whole time.


I mean, they plan this to be an evergreen system that they can add on to or rework as time goes on. So it’s not really like borrowed power unless you think stuff like the Arms talent tree is borrowed power.(Or talents in general really) Ultimately hero talents are just another talent tree you can pick rather than an system exclusive to an expansion. It will definitely require more tuning though.