Hero Talent Tree

Guessing this will be explained tomorrow but from what Morgan said, it sounds like Hero talent Points will replace our class/spec talents from 71-80?

Or do we get 2 talents points per level 71-80? (1 class/spec point, 1 hero point)

I doubt we’ll get 5 each new talents. That would break the tree.

I’m assuming it’s something like covenant abilities. I had this idea back in BfA that each armor type could choose between different hero abilities like plate and ‘Mountain King’ and it would be like choosing a covenant.

It might just be a cosmetic or identity thing. Honestly I have no idea, I’m just spitballing.

Not if the talent tree is expanded like it used to many years ago. We’d probably see 1-4 new rows, with one being a 1/2 talent, with a new keystone talent at the end.

I do hope they actually do things and aren’t just 5% to this stat, I know these talents can be important but I like flashy spell effects

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This is the best way we are going to get playable Dark Rangers, So I am all for it.

I wonder if this will also allow things like Necromancer,Warden,Shadowhunter and MONK BLADE MASTER?!!!

is this another term for borrowed power? lol

It’ll probably look like this

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I could be totally wrong as i dont play warrior, but didnt the example he gave show his warrior doing aoe damage with their hero talents?


I like it. It’s the start of class skins. I thought they’d go the glyph route though

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They say its going to stick around past this expansion.
Its just normal talents with extra class fantasy

Oh nice! I didn’t see that, so that sounds promising to say the least

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no it looks like an additional column down the middle between the class and spec tree. its basically going to be what major minor glyphs were before, albeit more interesting i hope

Like you said tomorrow we should get this all cleared up but my understanding is since level cap is 80 now with the new expansion. We get the normal alternating point (you know like 71 is class point, 72 is spec point, 73 is class point, etc. etc.) PLUS we’ll get 1 point in the hero tree starting at 71.

That’s what I think it is based on what they said so far.

I like that its evergreen and not just a “ok we are taking features from you again after this expansion”.

Thank you.

Again, tomorrow, we should get a better idea but the HTP shouldn’t be that big, based on Morgan said we can unlock them all?

Looking forward to learning how they’ll come up with three distinctive rogue options, when all three specs currently are inclined to use Shadowdance as-is.

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Looks like we unlock and utilize all the talents of a given hero tree.

I don’t know if I’m a fan of all talents being unlocked, it seems like it kind of removes choice from the equation, but, maybe they’re trying to make them feel completely different from the base talent tree
 who knows.

I think you stop getting regular talent points at 70.

If you look at the talent page he provides, there’s enough for a level 70 but no more than that, I think.

All three sub specs will just be more variations of Shadowdance.

My humble two cents here.

This reminds me a lot of Ancillary powers from City of Heroes, and that is a good thing.

How that MMO did it, is once your character made X level, you could select from a pool of powers your class might not normally have, and allowed you to tailor your spells to your taste better. Like if you were a Super Power / Tank and usually fought in melee, now you could shoot lasers from your eyes like Superman, in addition to your prior tricks.

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That’s what I meant. I don’t think we’ll get any new class or spec points.