Hero Talent Tree

Deep dive just finished I’m liking a lot of what i’m seeing around the Heroic talents but I still can’t help but feel a little disappointed that Blademaster isn’t on the list for Warrior I would even accept it as an Arms rework tbh. I think it’s been a big desire since WC3 and i would love to see it make its way into WoW proper.

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So people were right in the thread, saying that hero talents will replace the 71-80 talent points.

Going forward how will they balance all three specs? Will they save hero talents only for new expansions?

The names for the dk ones are
Rider of the apocalypse

This is a wonderful concept that I think is a great way to expand on the classes and specs without having to create new ones! However, since it was mentioned that these hero spec names/titles aren’t set in stone yet I would hope to see some changes. Here are some suggestions I think would be great. Disclaimer this is without knowing exactly which hero specs are tied to which class specs, I can only guess at this point on some of these. Please feel free to comment about any further changes you would suggest on these ideas. Or if there are ones I didn’t have a great explanation for that you agree with. Add to the conversation!

Death Knight

Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Rider of the Apocalypse
  • San’layn
  • Deathbringer

My Thoughts:

  • Necromancer: I mean we have all thought it and honestly it works, death knights from wow and necromancers from diablo have always shared a lot of flavor so I think it should be more official. Would be perfect between Frost and Unholy.
  • San’layn: I think think this one is perfect as is! Guessing it would be between Unholy and Blood specs.
  • Deathbringer: This one is fine, and I think it would work great between Blood and Frost specs, however it seems a little bland, I mean the title of Death Lord is already in the game from the legion expansion so it doesn’t seem as exciting. Just a couple ideas would be something like “Rune Smith” (based of rune forging), or “Acherite” from their home base of Acherus, or my personal favorite and no brainer to me “Lich”, who often deal with Frost and Blood magics.

Demon Hunter

Is probably the one I think needs the most rework as far as fantasy goes.

Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Aldrachi Reaver
  • Fel-Scarred

My Thoughts:

  • Nathrezite or Dread Lord: So Demon Hunter powers contain so much influence from the Dread Lords (The Nathrezim) that it would make sense to have hero talents associated with them. I mean in Warcraft III Illidan even taunts Tichondrius saying “Let’s see how confident you are against one of your own kind, drealord.” There is so much there, I think it could warrant an entire new class spec, but if that’s not the case at least it should be a hero talent tree.
  • Warden or Jailer: Fel-scarred seems to general and bland, all demon hunters are “fel-scarred”, and Aldrachi Reaver, lore wise, is way beyond what most players know or even care to know. With that being said I think the second hero spec for demon hunters should hearken back to the wardens who hunted them and Illidan’s current role as the jailer of Sargeras, something along those lines. It fits perfectly with demon hunters strong ties to always being imprisoned or imprisoning others.


Most of these seem fine just a couple changes I think would make them better.

Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Keeper of the Grove
  • Elune’s Chosen
  • Wildstaker
  • Druid of the Claw

My Thoughts:

  • Grove Keeper: Just shorten it to two words, rolls of the tongue better, and keeps the same class fantasy as “Keeper of the Grove.”
  • Elune’s Chosen: Solid choice, no changes needed here I think.
  • Pack Leader: So this is one of the ideas for one of the hunters hero specs, but I think it fits WAY better as a druid one. Its pretty self explanatory.
  • Druid of the Claw: The best one so far! I don’t think it needs to be changed, however, going off the same ideas its hard not to use the same format for all the Druid hero specs. I mean as a druid I have always wanted to be a “Druid of the Talon” or more infamously a “Druid of the Fang” from the Wailing Caverns in the Barrens. I mean the idea is easily extended to “Druid of the Grove”, and “Druid of the Moon” from Val’sharah at the Temple of Elune.


These fit perfectly, and to be honest I haven’t played Evoker enough to really get into their fantasy, but they seem like great hero specs!

Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Chronowarden
  • Ruby Adept
  • Scalecommander

My Thoughts:

  • Chronowarden: Perfect
    -Ruby Adept: Great
    -Scalecommander: Good


Again I think there is big plot hole we are missing with hunter hero specs.

Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Sentinel
  • Pack Leader
  • Dark Ranger

My Thoughts:

  • Sentinel: I think this one is fine as it is, it fits perfectly! Guessing its between Survival and Marksman?
  • Dark Ranger: This a no brainer duh, it works and we need to keep it!
  • Shadow Hunter: So depending on your tastes some people might put this under a different class(like shaman), but I think it fits best here, and as I mentioned before “Pack Leader” should/maybe be a Druid hero spec. I mean Vol’jin, was a shadow hunter and its one of those hero class ideas that needs to either become a spec or get a nod to in this new hero spec system that is coming, in my opinion.


These ones are another set that I think works great! Love the ideas behind them all.

Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Sunfury
  • Frostfire
  • Spellslinger

My Thoughts:

  • Sunfury: Great, guessing its between Fire and Arcane?
  • Frostfire: Also great, if this isnt between Frost and Fire specs, then there is an intern at Blizzard somewhere that needs to be “fired”.
  • Spellslinger: So fun, it would have to be between Arcane and Frost. Though to be honest I wonder if there is a better idea including the blue dragon flight (masters of frost and arcane magics) that would make it sound a little “cooler” (haha excuse the puns) and make it a little more serious. Maybe something with Ley Lines or the Nexus? Thoughts?


Great things here.

Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Master of Harmony
  • Shado-Pan
  • Conduit of the Celestials

My Thoughts:

  • Master of Harmony: I dont know much about monks, but seems like a good fit.
  • Shado-Pan: YES!! Between Windwalker and Brewmaster?
  • Conduit of the Celestials: Seems a little wordy, but I am not sure how to shorten it, but the idea there is perfect I think.


I think some flavor and fantasy changes need to be made here.

Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Templar
  • Herald of the Sun
  • Lightsmith

My Thoughts:

  • Templar: This one is great, I am guessing its between Retribution and Protection. Fits very nicely.
  • Zealot: I know Blizzard probably used “Herald of the Sun” as a nod to the Arathi people that are being introduced next x-pack and their connection with the sacred flame and how some of them are paladin too. But for the overall fantasy of the Paladins I think Zealot fits way better! Guessing this one would be between Retribution and Holy. I mean think of the history of Paladins in the scarlet crusade, they are zealots. This also fits with the idea that some paladins like Blood Elves (used to be), tried to wield the light by force. Ret paladins and Holy paladins would be the two specs that would be zealots I think.
  • Lightsmith: I guess this would be between Holy and Protection, and I think it works great, especially if there is a way to help Prot paladins do more off healing without sacrificing their defensive abilities.


Like them all but one.

Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Voidweaver
  • Oracle
  • Archon

My Thoughts:

  • Heretic or Inquisitor: I am not sure how to explain it, but as Disc or Shadow Priest I would much rather spec into “Heresy” than Voidreaver. It has a lot of lore support from the scarlet crusade as well.
  • Oracle: Thumbs up from me.
  • Archon: Another thumbs up!


I dont know enough about them or play them enough to really have opinions on their hero specs.

Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Deathstalker
  • Trickster
  • Fatebound

My Thoughts:

  • Deathstalker: Good.
  • Trickster: Good.
  • Fatebound: Good.


Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Stormbringer
  • Farseer
  • Totemic

My Thoughts:

  • Stormbringer: Sounds great to me.
  • Farseer: Another great pick.
  • Totemic: Ok lets get real here, shamans havent been “Totemic Warriors” as it says under enhancement in the specialization tab for shamans in years! I mean when was the last time any shaman ever put down 4 totems at once. I mean elemental shamans might use magma totem, enhancement might use windfury totem, and resto uses like 2 healing totems, 3 if they use cloudburst. But they are now more like spells than they are totems, at least it feels that way. This is a great choice for hero spec if there is a refocus on using totems. Other options would be “Warder” as in Earth Warder/Aspect of Earth, like Thrall once was. Or give Shamans a tanking spec, then we can call that one Warder, but I digress.


I think this is another set of perfectly named fantasy hero specs.

Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Soul Harvester
  • Hellcaller
  • Diabolist

My Thoughts:

  • Soul Harvester: Nice!
  • Hellcaller: Nice!
  • Diabolist: That is awesome!


What is a “Slayer?” Like the title for completing the Demon Hunter legion campaign?

Blizzcon Presented as:

  • Colossus
  • Slayer
  • Mountain Thane

My Thoughts:

  • Colossus: Great, no comments here.
  • Blademaster: I agree 100% with Crimsontrail, why is Blademaster not already on the list!? Heck, I mean we even have some cool giant bead necklace head piece transmogs coming that emulate blademasters from Warcraft III. So Slayer should be Blademaster.
  • Mountain King: Mountain Thane sounds cool, but no orc or troll is going to want to be a “Thane” like the dwarves. Mountain King sounds better for every race that can be warriors not just dwarves.

Again just my personal opinions on these, please reply to the ones you agree with and why, and also which ones you dont quite agree with!