Hero Specs You Can't Take Seriously

Well, I’m here to make fun of warlocks:

Soup Harvester

(Not a matter of not taking them seriously, though. The terms are just funny.)

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Packleader, mechanically speaking, Dark Ranger feels more deserving of the name than it does… at least THAT summons additional hounds and animals…

Druid of the Claw because “Massive Attack” sounds like they forgot to name this ability to something druidic.

Might as well call this ability “big damage” or “big deeps” with how bad this name is.


Seems like Hero talents are essentially just going to leave us with our traditional talent lists combined with a secondary MoP-style mini-list to force a bit of “class flavor”. It’s not much different than if they just added new talents to the main trees.

Not something I take that seriously in general.


Ruby Adapt, like yeah bro evokers want to follow in the footsteps of Alexstrasza and not Malygos? It sucks blue magic focus has to be shelved because its primarily a devastation mechanic.

Far seer and Oracle are going to fall short on the name, in theory they could be the most intense top down “man in control” specs, ie planeswalking and extended guardian spirit form but instead its going to just be boring passives that only scrape the themes surface.

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The only Hero Path we’ve had previewed so far spends all of its nodes building up to giving us a 1 point Holy Priest talent.

So yeah, that tracks.


I’d of said Diablo4ist. That’s a far worse insult. For that spec bag space must be reduced, mounts must rubber band constantly and you must loose 90% of your abilities.

I don’t get the complaint, a red-focused preservation spec is 100% what I wanted. Like yes I do want to do Alexstrasza stuff.

I’m sure blue and green stuff will get done with the second round of hero specs.

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IDK what “Fatebound” is but it doesn’t sound very rogue-like

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Probably a Rogue with a gambling problem lol


Also i cant help but imagining them wearing cookwear for armour.

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Shado-pan, for all your shady cooking needs!


Going to be tearing people apart but don’t want any of that nasty blood on you? Order our exclusive non-stick Shado-pan armor today!


Made in Pandaria by our Mortis trademarked Neck romancers (San’layn DKs)!


See? That’s what happens when you eat too many fel cookies.

Teeth = gone!

Mountain Thane. Why not a Hill Thane or a Plains Thane? Are there Forest Thanes? What about Jungle Thanes?

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With Fatebound, what I picture is a character modeled after 2-Face in Batman Forever. Remember the scene where he is sitting on a bench flipping his coin to go into the room and kill everyone and keeps getting the wrong side of the coin? That is the essence of what I picture. Will that be true, idk but it sounds neat.

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I would have liked to be able to sit in on the process for some of these names. Some look like the took some slight effort and the others are the same but different, but still the same. I want to see where/when the gas ran out and they gave up.

** and that isn’t to say they’re… bad just meh. Which is some how worse.

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Druid of the claw.

Trying to hamfist cat weaving in there is just a terrible idea.