Hero Classes that we don't have

Mountain King
Blood Mage
Crypt Lord
Far Seer
Tauren Chieftain
Shadow Hunter
Keeper of the Grove
Priestess of the Moon
Naga Sea Witch
Dark Ranger
Pit Lord
Dark Knight
Elder Sage

Buuut, none of these are Evoker so I guess it doesn’t matter anymore.


I’m an Archmage…think I got the title in Legion


We have mage

Aka dwarf warrior

Could be a 4th spec of mage one day

Maybe a future necromancer spec

These are races, that could be implemented just like the evoker

Maybe a future 4th spec for warriors or rogues?

Same as shaman

This is literally a political title. He is a tauren warrior.



Night elf priest, could be a class skin in the future to make it more druidy

This one could be a class, however I don’t see it being added

Could be implemented like the evoker

We already have those in game

This is just a random demon npc

This could be a future class

Very specific npc

same as hunter

No idea where this is from

This is a very specific npc

No idea where this is from

Just is just a random undead npc


Archmage is mage.

That’s me.


He just got every single wc3 hero and named it out


Some of the one’s that you mentioned are already baked into the classes/specs that we already have.


I am still waiting for tinkers. Goblins and Gnomes only.


A lot of the classes listed we already have. Archmage for instance as many have pointed out, is just a Mage. Their signature abilities are all things in-game Mages can do. Similarly a Mountain King and Tauren Chieftain are just Warriors of a specific race. A Far Seer is just a generic Shaman.

I think this post forgets that a lot of WC3 hero classes are just normal members of a WoW class who are exceptionally powerful. Currently in WoW, the player characters are considered to be one of the most powerful representatives of our class. We are all hero units.

Of the classes listed, Tinker is really the only one that I feel like differentiates itself enough from existing classes to have a shot at being added. A lot of the heroes that don’t already directly have a class in the game are also a very specific race that I don’t see becoming player-accessible. Things like the Firelord and Pit Lord.


Welcome to Mountain King, home of the flamebroiled Brewburger, made of 100% ale and served in a mug.


Arms Warrior really already is Blademaster…


Don’t know those classes but conjuror we could have if done right. Imagine making stuff from out of thin air.

We could make things like drinks and refreshments!

… wait.

Archmage - I feel like this will be an “Evolution” class for Mages someday
Mountain King - No memory of this one
Blood Mage - Would be cool to see this
Lich - This would be a spec for a future Necromancer class
Dreadlord - These are baddies. Unlikely to be a class.
Crypt Lord - This would be a spec for a future Necromancer class
Blademaster - I feel like this will be an “Evolution” class for Warriors someday
Far Seer - Basically resto shaman
Tauren Chieftain - Tauren Arms warrior with a Logg
Shadow Hunter - If memory serves this is what Sub. rogues used to be. Would make a neat evolution class for rogues though
Keeper of the Grove - I feel like this will be an “Evolution” class for Druids someday
Priestess of the Moon - I feel like this will be an “Evolution” class for Priests someday
Warden - Mostly NPCs right now, could be interesting
Naga Sea Witch - Mostly enemies right now
Dark Ranger - Marks Hunters are getting Talents to almost make them this in pre-patch
Pit Lord - All boss enemies right now
Tinker - Obviously
Firelord - All boss enemies right now
Ranger - This is just Hunter
Dark Knight - DK
Demigod - This doesn’t work as a class
Elder Sage - Could be interesting. Maybe a combo Mage/Priest style thing
Abomination - This is a pet/enemy type. I couldn’t see it as a class

Nice but that not what I meant,weapons for real :crazy_face:

I think we can all agree that we NEED a tinker class.

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I like to think it’s on their radar. But they’d need to have an expansion in which it fits. So far every new class has had a strong thematic tie to the expansion it was first debuted.

Wrath of the Lich King - Death Knight
Mists of Pandaria - Monk
Legion - Demon Hunter
Dragonflight - Evoker

So I think we’d need to have an expansion with a theme that Tinkers would fit into.

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the dark knight
sound like a death knight

Can they go invisible?

Archmage - Is just Mage… also, its a title not actually a class
Mountain King - This is a title not a class
Blood Mage - these were just High Elf Fire Mages
Lich - is technically both a title and a sortof race… but the core concept would be a Necromancer spec
Dreadlord - this is a race not a class
Crypt Lord - this is a race not a class
Blademaster - future 4th spec of Monk
Far Seer - this is Shaman… also its a title not a class
Tauren Chieftain - this is a title not a class
Shadow Hunter - trolls name everything oddly… but these were just shaman and priests…
Keeper of the Grove - druid, and a specific type of entity as well… not a class
Priestess of the Moon - just Night Elf Priests
Warden - could actually be added as a 3rd spec for Demon Hunter… i know its odd, but at their core the Warden are just Demon Hunters who don’t rely on Fel…
Naga Sea Witch - Not even going to question this one anymore because Dracthyr Evoker is a thing now…
Dark Ranger - we have the race skins now we just need the class skin… but this is just Undead Blood Elf Marksman Hunter…
Pit Lord - this is a race, not a class
Tinker - Yes please… give now…
Firelord - this is a title and a very specific entity
Ranger - this is just Hunter
Dark Knight - Arthas (Evil)…. Its just Death Knight
Demigod - Specific entity
Elder Sage - these were Just Broken Draenei Shaman… their “uniquenes” from shaman is easily explained as their racial abilities, after all, most Broken Draenei units had invisibility and shadow strike…
Abomination - this is an undead construct race, not a class

instead of a tinkers
how about an Artificer