Heritage weapons

Still shocked that Pandaren didn’t unlock theirs when N’zoth attacked Pandaria. :thinking:

I’ve come to terms with being disappointed in playing Pandaren. We got like 2 hair styles and two skin colors when everyone else were getting tattoos, jewelry, 5 hairstyles, scars, warpaints etc.

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I liked it better when they were added to the Timewalking vendor and any character on my account could use them. I hope they don’t suddenly decide to change that for the ones already released.

I’m glad these are coming back through quests! Felt odd they were in the files for a long time and not available. xD

Except, there are swords that were introduced for the Legion TW vendors that are those glowing Shal’dorei swords, and I purchased them for my Shal’dorei monk.

Is it confirmed that the DI weapons are race-locked?

I would be nice, wish BElves had a Warfront then I’d have BElf weapons.

From what we’ve got here, I’d say yes:

That says that the arsenal isn’t usable yet so nobody has been able to check.

Looks like the mount isn’t locked though, so fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t4:

I’d definitely use that hammer-staff on my panda shammy.

I would absolutely love it… but I want the armors finished first before they start a new project… and they had better be coming out quick… not Soon™

Or not because fixing Silvermoon to wreck it would have been a terrible move after the devs nuked two capitals

I’ve heard that Pandaren were a mistake on these forums, previously.

Idk, his Draenei one are really underwhelming compared to other races. Good concepts and execution for the others though.

Someone said it in another thread, but I really want them to take the Class Halls system from Legion and make the focus racial immersion.

That’s fair. It doesn’t help that he used the male character model - it’s hard to dress a refrigerator flatteringly :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The art is good but I’m thoroughly underwhelmed by the design sensibilities, too many masks. Also I dislike almost every belf and velf class set, not big into the draenei ones either.

This is just another thing confirming the EoA leak:


I’ll simp this ‘leak’ just because of Orc/Draenei demon hunters being added.


I really want to play a Draenei demon hunter. That sounds all around amazing!

It’s probably the most lore-friendly way of getting something like a Man’ari in the game too. Since they are using their powers against the Legion instead.

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I don’t expect much from the community but if this is real, I must see swarms of Chromies. :dragon_face:

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The leak claims they’ll be on vendors though, doesn’t say anything about new questlines.