Heritage Armor improvement ideas

As a collector and transmog enthusiast, Heritage Armor was one of my favorite new additions in BfA. I love the idea of having armor that represents your race’s heritage. And so far, I’ve enjoyed every Heritage Armor set that has been released. But that doesn’t mean these sets couldn’t use some improvements, because they definitely could. Here’s some ideas i wanted to throw out that i think could make certain Heritage Armor sets a little bit better.

  • Void Elf

My main problem with this set is also the best part of this set. The wings. Why must the beautiful Void wings be attached to the chest piece? These wings could be used in unique transmogs in so many different ways, but are sadly attached to the chest piece, greatly limiting the things players can do with them. Please just make them into a back piece instead. It would make way more sense, and would be a blessing for transmoggers.

  • High Mountain

Just like the above, id like to see the back totems of this set be removed from the chest piece and made into their own unique back piece instead. If Blizzard can do it with the normal Tauren Heritage Armor, they can do it with the High Mountain one too.

  • Blood Elf

Give them some better shoes. You can clearly tell that they were only made for the dress option. They look like socks with some gold plating glued onto the front.

  • Vulpera

Give them something for their feet. I’m not asking for actual shoes or anything, i know they have paws so shoes wouldn’t work. Some simple wrappings to go around their legs would be enough. It just bothers me for some reason that the only armor slot they don’t have something for is the foot slot. They just feel incomplete without it to me.

  • Mechagnome

Please, for the love of Elune, give players these alternate tints already!

The fact that we don’t already have these boggles my mind. Currently the only one we have is that golden colored one on the left, which only matches one specific mechanization color option that Mechagnomes have. Having the other two tints would make so much sense, and they’re already in the game so it’s not like it would be hard to give them to players. Besides, it’s not like Blizzard hasn’t made more tints for a specific Heritage Armor set before…

  • Nightborne

Give players the option to have either a dress, or no dress at all. Not every Nightborne player wants to run around in a dress, some would probably like to actually see their pants. You did it for the Blood Elves, you can do it for the other Elves.

I also see a lot of Nightborne players talk about how much they hate the chin armor that’s attached to the chest piece. It doesn’t personally bother me, but an option to have it off would be nice.

Oh, and having this alternate tint for their Heritage armor would be really nice as well.

  • Lightforged Draenei

Give them these awesome alternate tints. That is all, i don’t really have any other issues with this set.

  • Heritage Armor Weapons

This last bit i wanna talk about isn’t really about Heritage Armor, but rather what would work well with Heritage Armor… if it was in the game for players. Here are some Heritage Weapons that exist in the game but are only used for NPC’s. Please give them to the players, Blizzard!

Dark Iron Dwarf themed weapons.

Blood Elf themed weapons.

Nightborne themed weapons

Void Elf themed weapons

I didn’t mention the rest of the Heritage Armor sets because i simply didn’t have any problems with them, or at least not any that i could think of from the top of my head. Id like to hear some ideas from you guys though!


This could be made into a barber shop option for Nightborne. That way, one could have it or not with any chestpiece.


The maghar heritage belt clips. Very annoying.

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This is a good idea. Nightborne need some more customization in general anyway.

I don’t actually have this one (Yet) so i was unaware.


Biggest problem with heritage armor: you need a set for every armor type the race can conceivably be.

For example, Mag’Har heritage armor? On a priest? Nightborne heritage armor…on a warrior? LFD heritage armor on a mage? It’s ridiculous.


I agree. A set for each armor type would have been great. Too bad we didn’t get this. :frowning:

Id love to see something similar to what Handclaw did.


having just unlocked the Nightborn heritage today, I agree. Let us choose either a shirt or dress. Blood Elves can.


Congrats on the armor!

It’s the only thing i use on my Nightborne. She’s a mage though, so it fits her.

I agree, but only because the chest piece includes that awful bloody collar. It clashes with almost all their hairstyles. So you have to choose between using their iconic tentacle hair or their iconic void wings. It’s so stupid.

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Yeah, the collar is real annoying as well. I just forgot about it.

Would have made more sense to make the collar a part of the head piece imo.

If we’re doing that, having a no-collar option would be nice. It might work if the chest covered the entire torso but it looks weird with the corset, in my opinion.

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Warlock for me. Working on Lightforged next.

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I would be all for “upgrades” to current sets but not until all the races have access to their heritage set.


Felt kinda funny that the heritage weapons weren’t part of BfA’s dungeons or raids. Especially the expedition loot since they did offer some npc restricted gear.

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That would’ve been nice. Mechagnomes basically already have this. Most of the Mechagon weapons fit perfectly with their Heritage armor.

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Almost forgot the third way which is how we gain the lightforged weapons.

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Oh yeah, i cant believe i forgot about this. I actually went outta my way to get these just for my Lightforged girl.

Similar achievements like this for the other allied race themed weapons would be awesome. I actually enjoyed getting this achievement so i wouldn’t mind doing something like this again.

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And better pants, so that a plate wearer can feel bulky. Also the belt could use an actual wrap around it.

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All of the OP’s observations are correct! Couldn’t agree more.
Especially some Blood elf boots with geometry for the non-robe wearers, the color variants, and the Nightborne non-robe option!

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The void is (also) in Shadowlands, might see the void elven weapons return if we push at the best time.

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