Here we go again

i can’t log in for some reason it’s giving me a error and the online support has no idea what it is.

Stick to this thread Disconnected before character select screen - #103 by Kallendo-bloodhoof


Yes here we go again, someone creating a discussion thread to try to single out their issue when there is already a thread started that has over 100 comments in it. Like this is going to change a damn thing.

I really shouldn’t be surprised.


Yes it is here we go again, I completely agree with OP. Issues like these have been happening for the past 2-3 days. This is a paid service, I understand interruptions but days of interruptions with no sort of compensation is a poor move on Blizzard’s part. Lets not forget the overall downgrade of server quality over the past few years…

New here? You really want compensation? Please tell me where to mail the .50cents a day you spend on the game.

Just to put it a little in perspective, we’ve been paying $15/mo for the last sixteen years, and it has always come with the caveat that there will be downtime, whether scheduled or otherwise. You even agree to that when you first start playing and usually around the time the contract comes back around with every expansion or more frequently.

I might personally be in a comfortable spot to pay $30/mo in order to effect server uptime 100%, but I can promise you a lot of people aren’t. Not to mention 100% is practically impossible.