Here is what you will see in New AV

Actually, Horde WSG queues are already down to under 10 min. So if more Alliance start playing WSG, they’ll go down even further, presumably.

Well then you do don’t understand my point at all. I don’t have time for your snarky remarks.

Well yeah if your guys WSG queues are that low you guys might get down to 5 mins. Most alliance rankers I know are switching to WSG so that’s good news for you.

You forgot about Ice Lord

ofc I am playing for fun and advise you to do the same.
dude, i just want an epic battle between two factions and not an unfair pvp grief with some option to zerg kill the pve boss.

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i see empty av’s because the only way the alliance can win is in a pug and told to run to the boss other wise they lose.

i see long queue time for alliance premade wsg’s because they will cheat and exploit to 3 cap and the horde wont get any honor and stop queing for wsg.

the problem with classic wows pvp is the alliance are cowards.

Was a time that could be very true, but i am afraid to many there was too much neutering when they finalized the BG NPC nerfs.

I do remember when he kind of hit like a stack of freight trains though.

Don’t forget people abusing the report feature. I think it’s to be expected that high level preforms will share their AV numbers with friends who couldn’t make it in, then mass report pugs to remove them from the game and open up spots.

This is kind of already happening.

I have not seen a single bridge stomp yet. The archers are too weak. As far as I know, they aren’t making any changes to the strength or HP of NPC’s.

Sounds fun to me! More ice boi plz~