Here is the LFG Addon in action! Much worse than you thought

The one I’m seeing in the video they shared the guy is setting it up and it is automatically inviting people and building the group for him. He even has his hands in the air.


This has definitely got to go. I honestly thought about using it to make the rush to 50+ easier… but it takes away from the fundamental aspect of this game, socializing!
However, didn’t Blizz already say they were breaking all automated addons? Cause if I can’t use Auctioneer, ya’ll better not be able to use some ghetto a$$ LFG from retail.


People are overreacting as usual. There’s literally nothing wrong with this.


Which is a completely different version of the addon than the one thatll be in classic. Kinda like DBM has different expansion downloads. They are not the samething.

Someone whispered “invite please” which triggered the invite. It is not as automated as they are making it out to be.

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That’s not the one I downloaded, in fact I don’t even know what that one is called. ClassicLFG doesn’t auto-invite.

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mhmmm and again the problem is that the one that auto invites work, it needs to be broken

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Well this esfand guy wants an addon like that. He admitted it last night.

Oh and the guy making the lfg addon said he was going to make sharing talents something you opt into. So youd have to have the addon and consent to them seeing your talents for them to see them

Aside from you know, the one that auto invites isnt the one in classic.


www.curseforge. com/wow/addons/classiclfg

I’m sure now that many streamers are discussing this topic and the vast majority of Classic players are against this type of addon Ion will keep his word and break this addon and those like it.

yea, and lol, reread what i just said, the problem is that the one that auto invites still works, it shouldent be possible to run in classic… it needs to be broken


Death to this addon and death to addons like it.

We demand a blue reply to this topic. We want them to address any LFG addons that may be present in Classic - regardless if this one is or not.


That might be the case but we wouldn’t assume that by your mighty defense.

There’s no way this won’t be broken by Blizz. This thing auto invites people. THIS IS NOT CLASSIC.


Correction, its not the same addon that’ll be in classic.

Then why is this being posted in Classic forums??? This doesn’t belong here…

Why would any of you want to even us any addon anyway? I did like the armor add on for sets back in the day, but i never used a addon until wraith of the lich king.

I think the whole point of the game and classic is to not even have a add on feature.

Not using add-ons helped my learning curve and made me a better gamer in wow. What about you guys? Do you relay on addon to play? or can you just do it yourself?

It’s almost like the Classic forums are known for fearmongering.

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if blizz wanted they could have added a auto invitation tool, instead Ion went and stated at blizz con, they dont want this as part of the classic experience… so yea, really !..

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