Here is the final boss loot table for the twilight protocol dungeons

thanks so much for putting this together, very useful! i personally found the layout to be a bit awkward and adjusted a bit. just wish i knew about this two weeks ago so could target some of these items a bit better.

Blackrock Caverns -

Grim Batol -

Halls of Origination -

Lost City of the Tol’vir -

Shadowfang Keep -

The Deadmines -

The Stonecore -

Vortex Pinnacle -

Throne of the Tides -

also, to clarify, at the end of each dungeon, there seems to be the following drops:

  1. one of the weapon OR off piece for that dungeon (determined by this list).
  2. one out of the 15 possible tier tokens.
  3. a chance for one additional piece from LFR loot table (weapon, ring, neck or trinket)
  4. obsidian fragments
  5. the regular heroic dungeon loot - 2 rares + 1 chaos orb and the justice points.

I have never personally seen more than one weapon drop, more than one trinket drop or more than one tier token drop in any kill to date. i also haven’t see an armor type drop (cloth, leather, mail, plate) or an off-hand, shield or wand. the additional drop seems to pull from either weapon or off piece that didn’t drop (from the dungeon list) in addition to any of the other trinkets from the shared boss loot in DS.

One thing that’s really nice about this list, and btw, updated Atlasloot contains the same info–is that you can buy things that you know DON’T drop in the Twilights, but can be bought with Obsidian Fragments.

A few examples: Signet of Suturing, the heroic Rag trinkets, a 30 Fragment bracer with a socket you might prefer over subpar VP bracers or very expensive crafted ones.

That way you can get upgrades without having the thing you bought drop right after you spend stones on it.