Each final boss of a Protocol Twilight Dungeon will drop:
1 x LFR Weapon or 1 x LFR Jewelry (cloak, neck, trinket, ring).
A predetermined LFR Weapon and Jewelry drop
1 x LFR Tier Token
A chance at one of fifteen random LFR Tier Tokens
So the items listed above are the predetermined items from the final boss. Everything else seems random.
So it looks like every final boss will drop 4 items with a chance at a 5th item (the fifth item being another random tier token)
TBH I think they’re being too generous as everyone will be geared within 2 weeks and no one will be running these at least on their mains. Even people who don’t raid won’t find a need to run these. Unless of course they reduce the valor from inferno dungeons which they probably will. Who knows.
TBH I think they’re being too generous as this content is oodles of fun and to this day 380s+ are still running infernos. People who don’t raid greatly enjoy these. It is known.
really? All i see is 350-360s struggling to maintain 10k overall dps. I’ve only seen a handful of higher ilvl players and they’re doing it because of valor not because it’s “fun”. Not sure how you can say the inferno dungeons are fun when all they added was health and damage modifiers.
I really hope the casual players do some research before stepping in to these twilight protocol dungeons. There will be a lot of kicks, especially at the start when people want efficient runs while farming gear before raid.
Who cares? First its the last patch so most this stuff is about to be stomped out by questing gear. Also, if people just stop running them then it does no harm anyway. As for the kicks and such, boohoo that is just how its been forever now so nothing has really changed. News flash jerks that are wanting to act like jerks often are just jerks.
That is what make them fun, its just the good ol Cata dungeons but buff very simple, no annoying affix like in WOTLK gammas which just created wipe and drama when you played with people with their brain off.
With this anybody even bad players with 6K DPS can do these (Catch up dungeons) and beat them to get gear to you know catch up with minimum struggle, it will just take longer to finish them.
To me its more fun since there is less sweat and drama with it since its easy so people are less willing to gatekeep this content like WOTLK Gamma and (Low gear score so instant kick.)
There is always Retails Mythic+10 and above if you want actual fun challenging content, these dungeon are suppose to be catch up dungeons not Mythic+ challenge runs.
There is a progression that must be used. Which is the actual problem. Why do heriocs to get to 346, when you can just go in an get carried to 359? Why do infernos to get to 359 when you can get carried to 379 in twilight? Yes its a catch up, but still needs to follow the progression. Which, is circumvented by buying cloth pvp gear for 1k gold total, to leave in their bags. Que into an inferno at 315 ilvl and hope they carry you. Then cry when kicked…its supposed to be a catch up!!! Yeah…catch up with FASTER progression, not by passing it.
Why do you think there are only brain off no effort dungeons or tryhard M+, with nothing inbetween? The devs are perfectly capable of adding new things to defense protocol dungeons without making them harder, just different
Tons of people do this but not in this weird way I never seen that not even once, what they do is buy ilvl 358 pvp pieces which is good enough for infernos.
I always queue in Inferno with alts using mostly PVP gear 358 set and I have no issues to do decent DPS of around 12-15K at worst which is far enough for inferno and by the time I buy my 359 weapon and few pieces my DPS balance itself out and now I’m actually near top DPS in most infernos.
Nobody is gonna use high ilvl piece from another spec/class so they can queue at ilvl 315, this is a imaginary scenario or I never saw it not even once so its not a real problem, even I would kick someone with a ilvl of 315 or someone with a DPS insanely low like 3-4K since that person isn’t even trying at this point and is trolling.
Doubt they would do this look at retails the catch up dungeons are just normal unchanged heroics who now drop WAY higher ilvl gears they do not truly care and are not even trying to do something in between like you said sadly.
But just because they have the ilvl from PvE sources, doesn’t mean they are guaranteed to be useful.
I’ve done more on a 346 warlock than some people in the 360s in infernos, and also run into a 370 Prot warrior wearing a mix of tank, DPS, and healer plate gear (yes, he was wearing Int/spirit Hpally gear). To nobody’s great surprise, he had a very hard time staying alive.
Damn and here I thought prot warr were instinct by now. lol
The biggest weird gear choices I’ve seen was a elem shaman with full clothes int gear his DPS wasn’t awful, but it was pretty strange to see and yes that I will admit I’ve seen tanks with DPS plate gear before especially blood DKs, lucky for blood DKs they are so OP that it barely matter.
Maybe there was a lot more but they were doing okay so maybe I never truly noticed it.