Herald, Dawnlight nerfed

Says the guy who tried to shadow insult me. Nice try.

I dont have a stake in PVE Ret performance, but what I experienced on the training dummy for Ret compared to MM ST…Ret is useless in comparison. My limited experience in TWW for playing Ret in PvP and extensive PVP experience in DF says its useless, and my perception of Ret in pvp while I kill them with ease in PVP for TWW says they are handicapped by design and tuning. No one fears Ret in pvp right now, and they are still killed first because doing so is easy.

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gues instead of linking cruddy sights like archo and murlok

just grab from warcraft logs?

warcraftlogs com/zone/statistics/38/#dataset=95&difficulty=4
percentile 95% all damage, ret is steadily going downward to the predicted middle ground as people get more geared and learn fights.

warcraftlogs com/zone/statistics/38/#dataset=95&difficulty=4&metric=bossdps

boss damage directly, we’re already straight in the middle. keep in mind with all the small adds that feed into suns avatar and dawnlight aoe pad that die in 2 seconds. giving us a boost. as much as people like being able to cleave, i dont like how we have this ability to cleave while our st or prio dam is middling. other specs can do both withou sacrificing much in talents

ultimately, i like the string of positive thats going on here from our residencal ret mains, but as always we’re slowly but surely going down.

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