Help - New Character (this is brutal)

Here is what you do my frend.

You go to the NPC who sells Blue WPvP gear in Valdrakken. You buy a “Pest Fogger” from him. It’s an item that has a ground-targetted knock back.

Then you spec Destro.

And then you get into an EOTS.

And then you select the talent Shadow Rift.

And then, at the first team fight at middle, you place your Demonic Circle by a ledge.

And when the enemy team pussy-foots around the safe zone rocks. You drop Shadow Rift > Infernal Stun on them.

And then you look at your Demonic Circle and throw a Pest Fogger at everyone who just got ported to it to knock them to their death.

And then nobody will ever make fun of your crappy gear again you will be MVP. GG Ez Games only.

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if you expect ez conquest thats the problem it isnt just epics either it goes for brawls (except comp stomp), random bgs too .

No one said anything about easy conquest. This is the narrative that the epic BG premaders like to push. The “we work hard to get large communities and if you don’t you must be lazy”

Joining an epic BG community is quite literally easy conquest.

that is the problem they expect to play and get easy conquest . Even if they did join a premade sometimes premades also lose .

They just need to have a solo only que for random bgs. Losing premade won’t hurt solo players one bit, I guarantee it. Solo que would still pop plenty. It’s the premade ques that would die out over night. They need the soloers, the solos don’t need them.

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Except people could still game solo queueing with voice.

Imagine being a new player trying to farm gear. You go 0-10 in epic bgs because every lobby is a queue sync premade (you don’t know what that is) and a group of 40 people that are already almost fully geared are getting 110 conquest and you get 0.

The premade queue sync epic bgs are trash for the game. Besides, the playerbase interested in doing that are the ones who should be propping up <1800 cr SS. We need you guys

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I’ve run across one premade in probably 13 epics since I came back to retail 2 days ago.

Roll Horde and Queue primetime EST and report back

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There are just as many horde premades rolling around as alliance ones lol.

Oh ok then, so if that’s the case, Alliance is also queueing into 3-4 consecutive queue sync premades during prime time which is a huge issue. I didn’t know the issue was so bad it was affected both factions equally. I thought maybe the silver lining was that only one half of the playerbase had to deal with it.

It’s pretty bad for pugs during prime time.

Epic bg teams with premade raids have fewer spots available for pugs, so you’re less likely to be teamed up with one. You’re much more likely to go against one (because of mass desertions too).

Games are starting with one team half empty because a premade raid decided to drop their queues when they didn’t get all 6+ groups in.

Fewer and fewer pugs are queuing up for epic bgs, so there are fewer games. Your odds of running into premade raids are increasing, especially during prime time.

If you play on Horde in the early morning, pray that Fieldarmy hasn’t started queuing yet or they’re taking the day off.

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So what’s Fieldarmy, some Chinese guild? Why are they playing on NA servers, don’t they have their own?

They’re a dominant premade force for the Alliance.

They’re terrifying Horde pugs in random epic bgs in the early morning.

Blizzard shut down all their servers in China for all their games.


Yeah. Ran into that premade 5 times today. Blizz needs to do something or just risk losing any casual pvp

I believe I’m something like 12 and 25 now. Maybe some day I’ll break even to 50/50.