Help - New Character (this is brutal)

This isn’t fun.

https:// imgur. com/h6YRDgH


Is this a Horde toon or an Alliance toon?

Horde. In fairness, my W/L is like 50/50 on my geared Ret. I’m not good at Warlock at this point and it’s in blues.

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Why don’t you get a geared DPS friend carry you in 2s so you can get some more conquest? Or send the conquest from your already geared characters?

The power disparity between a fully geared character and a full honor/aspirant-geared character is massive.

Also, try joining a PvP community. You’ll have no idea who’s a good player, but there could be some geared players who don’t mind premading with you. Had I known you needed some help, I woulda invited you tonight.

Helps to play with a group. You’ll usually be facing enemy premades either way. Going to Alliance doesn’t hurt either. If you do both I hear you are nearly unstoppable!

Playing undergeared is definitely a factor, but like the guy above said, premading might be more popular than I’d ever seen it prior to this season.

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If you are going in blues , it’s better you play epics so that you can hide in vehicles , guns , airship etc .

damn I wish I had this addon earlier… Just started recording my game with it now.


100% win rate.

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Hi, join a community to increase your chances. Its kind of rough out there right now for pug BGS

Good theory, but the plan is win the dailies for the conquest points. The plan is not working of course, but that was the idea…

That’s what PVE people will always say to Puggers.

Join a Guild, make your own group, join a community. But somehow if someone does it in PVP then all hell breaks loose.

Join a community, play with likeminded people who want to participate in the objectives and have fun without any toxicity.

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As you can see, maybe life before the addon was better because I could delude myself that I was winning more often.

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As others have said, you’ve got to find people to play with. It’ll alleviate this immensely, and worst case if they’re not amazing players, you’ll have fun banterin with em

Yes, join a premade which has put wow random bgs to the exact point they are now with participation. The pug scene is dying out quicker then a flies lifespan currently. The writing has been on the walls for many years and is now culminating as we speak into a bad situation beyond what i even though would happen over the years. WoWs pvp system is over a decade behind other pvp games with how they handle gearing and match making.


Premade good

Que sync bad

Could we see the warlock in question? I have a warlock in all blues, but my damage is much higher than yours. It could be a problem with your talents or rotation.

What do you recommend sir?

Blizzard wont do anything about it for now and from what i see you have only two options. You can either keep getting caught in the crossfire and stop queueing altogether (maybe quitting), or you can go join a team to have a fighting chance.

If you want to keep playing then the answer seems obvious here

This one. Been thinking about swapping to Affliction. Mostly I don’t live long enough to do anything. Seems like I can get some damage out if I don’t get targeted but in a lot of these roflstomps we’re just dead all the time. I noticed a huge difference in my damage even with my Ret as I geared him up, though.

Playings Epics is terrible. More than half the games are against premades who stomp and farm you. Get more honor, but 0 conquest. So it doesn’t generally help.

Looks pretty good, but you could probably use some enchants even if you feel the honor gear is just temporary.

You would be surprised how much Call Observer and Netherward can make a difference. I personally use Fel Fissure, Nether Ward, and Call Observer.

I’m not sure how your rotation looks, but I have noticed that a lot of new Warlocks place their gates during the fight and not before. I know it sounds easier said than done, but for Random Battlegrounds the big team fights are going to take place in generally the same locations. Always try to place them before the fight starts, and try to keep the fight in a position that is favorable to you. Also don’t use the gate at the first sign of trouble. Warlocks have plenty of tools to keep you away from damage or to mitigate it. Use your gate when your opponents are using their offensive cooldowns.

Recently though, I switched from Demo to Affliction and I am really enjoying melting whole teams. In 1v1 situations Rapid Contagion and the recently added Oblivion PvP talent have really made a huge difference in my single target damage.

Edit: These are just my personal experiences with Warlocks in random BGs. I don’t play my warlock in rated content at all. However, I play with a warlock who out-damages me even on this hunter. The potential is there, and someone more experienced than I can probably offer you some better advice.

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