HELP! Need a name for Drac Pally

That’s right, I have every intention of turning this cow into a glorious lizard of justice in TWW.

I’m having difficulty coming up with a name though. I have two so far but I just don’t feel that spark.

I have a habit of naming my toons after characters from other media with a clever twist.

For example.

My mage is a mechagnome called Mechgonagall.

Please help!

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I don’t think Dracthyr will be Paladins in The War Within. Warriors, Hunters, Rogues, Mages, Priests, Warlocks, and Monks on the other hand…


I don’t think their plans to make drac any other classes unless I missed something

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Probably exclude Holy or Shadow classes if they were to add more options for Dracthyr.


Lightscale or Brightscale, Lightwing or Brightwing


Silverwing. Goldwing.


Ahh ok, well that’s cool

Well I’m hoping the Tyrs guard quest line bares fruit…

Seems really dumb if dracs can’t be druids or paladins

Priests are a blanket class

In my head canon they are all elementals so giving holy blessings wouldn’t make sense. And no Shadow cause of the whole Deathwing thing.

I mean LFD can be locks, soooooo

Just for the time being until the art team makes draconic shapeshift forms and a Light Vorquin mount.

Right, they better step it up then cuz I want it and I want it now!

Bolvar Fordragon

Although I doubt the lizards will get paladins

My Dracthyr class wishes:

Mage, death knight, rogue and druid.

I fully expect them to get the new default of “everything but Demon Hunter, Paladin, Druid, and Shaman” sans maybe Shaman, since they could probably play up the Dragon Isles’ connection to the elements without much difficulty.

That said, they really should start expanding those four classes to other races, even if it’s only 2-3 at a time.

So now you can give any class an additional 3 CC’s? What could go wrong there? >.>

Tail Swipe and Wing Buffet would probably be looked at and rebalanced (probably making them share a CD or something, and replacing the Evoker talents that modify them), but what’s the third one?

I am the Dragon Warrior.

Damn, I might actually make a Dracthyr now. The monk roll is gonna be hilarious with Dracthyr’s wings, though.

A DK would also be cool, like some kind of disciple of Galakrond.

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The part where he said you’ll be able to stay in visage form in combat has me thinking that some other classes will be “forced” into visage form. Specifically melee based classes. As I’m guessing it is very difficult to get swords and other things to not clip through the dracthyr body. But the human and or elf models they use could easily accommodate this.

Of course, if they do that than I can see all the worgen players also wanting at least the option to do that as well.

Why, given the Tyrs guard and dragon’s reverence of Tyr.